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Ferenc on Songwriting

I pulled this article from the Yahoo Group archives. Ferenc from Pollo Del Mar created this great post on songwriting way back on 16 December 2002. People still refer to it to this day, so I had to archive it here on the new site. Enjoy!

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Nebulas "Surf Party" Guitar Tab

In order to seed the new Tablature section, I have submitted a tab I did a long time ago: The Nebulas arrangement of The Astronauts classic "Surf Party". Well, it's the lead guitar part anyway. Anyone got the rhythm part figured out?

Please leave comments and corrections!

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New Topic: Tablature

I thought I would create a new topic called Tablature, where, well, people can post tablature! These tablature "stories" will be archived on the site. The advantage of publishing tablature as stories as opposed to just making text files available for download is that people can leave comments on them. Thus, we can get a little peer review action going.

The current difficulty with posting tablature as a story is we need a way to display the tablature in a non-proportional font so all the staff lines line up correctly. The current javascript editor I have installed doesn't let you do that, yet. I will look into configuring it to do so. The other option is that I throw away that javascript editor (as it doesn't like the Mac Safari browser anyway), but that would force people submitting tab to pick up a little HTML. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, so leave a comment below.

Until we get this editor business sorted out, if you would like to submit a tab that you have created, just email it to me and I'll format and post it for you.

The Ventures @ The Birchmere, Alexandria VA 15-Mar-2006

Read on for this show report from Carol, aka mom_surfing. She caught The Ventures live at The Birchmere in Alexandria, Virginia on March 15, 2006.

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Event Calendar Now Available

I have just installed an event calendar. If you have an event (show date, release date, etc.) that you would like to publicize, just click on the Calendar and then Submit Event Info. Fill out the form, paying careful attention to the event date (it defaults to today). Then click Submit Event to send the info to me for approval. Please leave a comment here if you have any problems or questions. Thanks!

Fender American Vintage Reissue Jaguar Review by Carol

(This review submitted by Carol, aka mom_surfing. Big thanks to Carol for submitting the first review for this site!)

I have been playing guitar for 7 years and concentrating on surf instrumentals for almost the last 2. I am just someone who has a passion for playing and play at least 2 hours a day. I've been on a quest these last two years to find the 'perfect' surf guitar, asking a lot of questions and opinions of others and trying out different instruments. My first guitar was/is an American standard strat. I also have a PRS custom 22 (definitely not surf) and happily stumbled onto a ventures model MIJ jazzmaster. I have fairly small hands and long fingers and found the neck on the jazzmaster a little fat up past the 12th fret, but what a nice tone it has, especially for rhythm. My search for an in-stock jag, white with the red tortoise pick guard, or any jaguar for that matter, yielded none. I had to order one. Fender didn't have any in stock so I patiently waited four months for it's arrival. And, it was well worth the wait. Fender ships these from the factory with 10's, so I had the tech set it up with 11's before I took it home. He commented on what a nice instrument it was and said he did very little to it (one little shim) and a slight truss rod adjustment. To my eyes the workmanship is A+. My primary sound set up is a fender deluxe reverb and a RI outboard reverb (I also have a twin reverb but it's too heavy to drag around, so it's my back up). From the first few notes i played i knew it was the sound i've been looking for! With so many switch combinations it's easy to find the right 'voice' for leads and rhythm. The neck is comfortable in my hands. I know we all play differently and hear things differently, but for me I feel I've finally found the 'perfect' surf guitar. It was money well spent.

Double Crown On The Rocks Podcast Is Back!

The Double Crown On The Rocks Podcast is back! I tried doing a show last year, but gave up after 5 shows because it wasn't turning out very good with the equipment I had at the time. I now have an iBook with Garageband 3 and doing good-sounding podcasts is a snap now. I hope to do at least one new show each week. This week's show features two tracks from The Nebulas' brand new, self-titled CD. Check it out at:


I will be working on getting it up on iTunes as well.


Double Crown Records

Exotica 2005 High Speed Weekend Part 2

Here is part 2 of my Exotica 2005 show report, dug out from the archives of the SG101 Yahoo Group. Enjoy!

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Exotica 2005 High Speed Weekend Part 1

In order to seed our show report database, I thought I would dig out my Exotica 2005 show reports that I had posted to the SG101 Yahoo Group last summer. So, in case you missed it, here is part 1 of my Exotica 2005 report. It has been edited slightly to correct some minor factual errors.

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New CD By The Nebulas Available For Pre-Order!!!

We are proud to announce the release of The Nebulas' 3rd full-length CD!!!

The Nebulas - S/T CD - #DCCD24 - $12.75

Double Crown is gearin' up for the release of the new CD by The Nebulas, which comes out next week just in time for their upcoming shows with Satan's Pilgrims! Fifteen amazing tracks, a little faster and a little rawer than what you're used to from this band. Make sure your speakers are in good working order now, cuz this disc is gonna test your hi-fi like it's never been tested before! You can get more info about this great band at or

Tracks: Retribution - Logan's Run - Kalashnikov - Nebulomp - Chummy Jigger - Morpheus - Dragunov - El Boracho - S.O.S. - All Your Base... - Uhura - Bus Stop - Von Schlieffen Plan + Two Bonus Tracks!!!

You can order this, or any Double Crown CD on their own for $12.75 + shipping, or you can join the Double Crown Music Club for $35.00 to get this and the next 3 CD releases (US Music Club Price. $40 for Canada. $45 Rest Of The World). Coming later this year is a CD-EP from The Madeira and Seasonal Favorites: Volume 2 CD.

If you send a Paypal payment to:, just send $12.75 - no need to add anything for shipping. If you order online at, use the coupon code: NEBULAS and you will not need to pay for shipping. This offer expires March 10th, the expected arrival date of The Nebulas new CD. At that point we will ship all pre-orders, as well as copies to all of the
Double Crown Music Club members. You can also send cash/check/money order to the address below.

Ordering Information

--We accept cash, checks and money orders, payable to Double Crown Records, Paypal payments sent to:, or online with your credit card.
--Please list alternates whenever possible. If we are out of stock, please specify whether you want a credit or a refund.
--Washington residents must add 8.2% sales tax. (subtotal x 1.082)
--Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.

Mail Your Order To:

Double Crown Records - P.O. Box 4336 - Bellingham, WA 98227-4336 USA