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Archive for December, 2022

SRW231 The Tourmaliners - Surfidia (Digipack CD)


On “Surfidia”, The Tourmaliners blend the raw instrumental guitar sounds of Dick Dale, Link Wray, and The Ventures mixed with tiki vibrations and spy gyrations… all while watching a cool Spaghetti Western from outer space. Surfidia also features guest musicians Ron Blair of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Eddie Angel of Los Straitjackets and Bob Spalding of the Ventures.

The album is a co-release between Sharawaji Records & Pacific Records. Produced by Miles Clowminzer (Johnny Tarr Quartet, Billy Nation), was recorded over a nine-month period in 2021-22 in San Diego, CA. The principal songwriters and arrangers are The Tourmaliner’s guitarist Deven Berryhill, bass player & guitarist Matt Clowminzer and Miles Clowminzer. The Tourmaliners drummer John MacElwee, guitarist Joe Dameron and keyboardist Ina Soliz perform their respective parts to round out the album. Miles also contributes various guitar, drum, keyboard and sound design elements throughout.

The album cover is taken from a painting by punk rock artist and surfer Brian Bent. During the recording, the band would often derive inspiration from Brian’s painting to help create the album’s sonic landscape.

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SRW244 Terreur Twist - The Surfer Of The Beast (Jacket CD)


Including 1 x original satanic surf composition of exactly 666 seconds and 4 x heavy metal covers exclusive to the CD.

Terreur Twist is an instrumental surf music trio from France. Black humor and burlesque horror mingle with the atmosphere of beach parties from the 1960s. This is a co-release between Sharawaji Records, Surf Cookie Records, les disques PLATRE, and Strychnine Recordz.

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SRW237 - S.H.A.R.P. - "Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves" (Jacket CD)


All original, live off the floor, collaborative tunes featuring a melding of the creative minds behind the Surf Hermits and The Angry Red Planet.

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Surfin' Kitty X-mas 3 CD is now available

Surfin' Kitty X-mas 3 CD is HERE ...... just in time for your Christmas activities. They make the perfect stocking stuffer or work party gift. Don't wait ! This is the third year for this fundraiser and we have raised thousands of dollars that goes directly to the cause. Sales have already been brisk so THANK YOU to those that have already supported this cause.

Get it HERE:

This CD was produced in order to raise funds for Pinetree Stables/Cat Sanctuary in Grand Bahamas. Every cent from the sale of this CD/digital downloads will go to the sanctuary which spays, neuters, vets and feeds all the abandoned cats on the island. Pinetree Stables/Grand Bahamas already suffered from Hurricane Dorian and Tropical Storm Nicole which also devastated the US/Canadian east coast.

Thanks to all the bands.... Mark Malibu & the Wasagas, The Surf Hermits, Blackball Bandits, Jason Janik, The Swinging Pussycats, Underwater Bosses, Sys Malakian, The Jagaloons, Voodoo Surf Tribe, The Breakers, The Angry Red Planet, The Space Agency, the Hitchcocks, Danger Death Ray 3, Miss Tammy Darling, Krontjong Devils, Urban Surf Kings, The Jagaloons, The Green Reflectors, Surf Zombies, The Terrorsurfs, Magnatech, Shaun Young, Death Wave, Crab Bubbles, The Slimetones, Jim And The Sea Dragons. Thanks also to Sharawaji Records and Reuben at Mojito Mastering.
