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Archive for December, 2010

SG101 2010 MP3 Compilation now on!

Hey everyone, head on over to to check out the SG101 2010 MP3 Compilation! You can download all the songs separately, together, or even stream them with their player.

Thanks everyone for participating! We had a record number of entries. Check out the forums as we will likely have an IRC listening party.

Passing of Astronaut Bob Demmon

Surf music fans lost this week someone who I feel was a great contibutor to the genre . Astronauts guitarist, Bob Demmon passed away on Saturday and although inactive from the surf scene for many years, his influence will be with us forever.

Here is a link to the details:




New Thunderchiefs CD out now on Wormtone Records

The Interstellar Sounds of The Thunderchiefs is out now on Wormtome Records. Featuring 13 new space themed originals from the Texas Kings of land lock Surf Music.

Order from Wormtone Records or your resident SurfGuitar 101 music supplier extraordinaire: Double Crown Records.


Benefit show for Eddie Bertrand, Sat. Feb. 5th, (So. Cal.)

Hey Everybody.

Doing a big benefit show to raise money for Eddie Bertrand. He's had a couple falls and broken his hips. Tim(HB Kahuna) and I are puttin together a big show of love for Eddie. The show will feature:
  • The Riptides (South Bay band - not Jason Lee and the RIP tides)
  • Outerwave
  • The Eliminators
  • Slacktone
  • The Insect Surfers
  • Secret Samurai
  • The Men Of Mystery
  • All Star Jam, doing songs of the Bel-Airs, and Eddie and the Showmen w/John Blair, Paul Johnson, Tim Fitzpatrick, John Benton, Jim Frias, and Matt Quilter (and possibly some other legends)
It will be at Don the Beachcomber in Sunset Beach Ca., 16278 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649, (562) 592-1321, on Sat. Feb. 5th. from 2 pm to 10 pm. We will be located in the back in the High Chiefs Room and Hidden Village. We will have many cool raffle items!

Make plans now. You won't want to miss this. If you really can't make it we will probably have a site, or Paypal account where you can donate to Eddie from afar. But please try to make it if you can. Also, if you want to do a tribute show in your area, and send the funds to Eddie, that would be excellent. If you want to send some merch from your band for the raffle, that would be great too.

Here is the link to the Eddie Benefit Facebook Page.

and while there you can go to the FBML page, to donate to his Fund.

Thanks everybody.

Please send me a PM or e-mail at

Thanks everyone.

There is more to this story, continue reading ...