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Archive for January, 2009

The Svens, Corvallis, OR

Just introducing the surf world to "The Svens" we are more of a performance art band with heavy surf influence. We perform "Cowboy Surf Poetry"! We do a show every five-six weeks at Bombs Away Cafe in Corvallis, OR. What a hoot! There's an on going Western Saga, new "Cowboy poetry" every show, mixed with Soundscapes and Surf. Check us out if you get a chance.

Viking and Svens

Bert Susanka and the Astronaut Love Triangle w/ Robbie Allen and the Sundogs

Bert Susanka of the "cowpunksurfabilly" band The Ziggens will be performing at the Doll Hut with his band the Astronaut Love Triangle Friday, January 16th. Robbie Allen and the Sundogs will be in town all weekend while attending the NAMM show and are scheduled to perform as a supporting act for Bert Susanka's band.

The Sundogs will also be playing on Saturday, January 17th at the Fender Avenue Bar and Grill in Fullerton. In case you're attending the NAMM show, both venues are only about 5 minutes drive from the Anaheim Convention Center. Come on out if you want to catch a decent show while in town. Gary, Robbie, and Josh will be attending the show with the staff from Wilson Bros guitars and HTS Audio so catch 'em if you can.

Friday, January 16, 2009 @ 9:00PM
Bert Susanka and the Astronaut Love Triangle
w/ Robbie Allen and the Sundogs
The Doll Hut
107 S Adams St
Anaheim, CA 92802
(714) 533-1286

Saturday, January 17th, 2009 @ 9:00PM
Robbie Allen and the Sundogs
Fender Avenue Bar & Grill
2466 Fender Ave
Fullerton, CA 92831
(714) 441-0777

Update on Nokie Edwards Concert in Santa Cruz

Just released today Jan. 12, 2009, there will be an acoustic guitar drawing and an electric guitar drawing at the Nokie Edwards concert at the Brookdale Inn in March. Check out the latest press release by clicking

You can also buy tickets and keep up-to-date on the concert by going to

Nokie's site will also be coming out with info on the show over the next few months, its now up on his schedule page for everyone to check out.

Sprayface Playing 2009 NAMM show

The all Original Instrumental Surf & Drag Quartet “SPRAYFACE” is making a special appearance and performing LIVE @ the Winter NAMM 2009.

Be prepared because SPRAYFACE is sure to Blow your Mind; Featuring the impressive talents of “Gary Usher Jr.” on Guitar, the high energy Kung-Fu Kicking “Phil Short” on Bass, The Lap Steel Super-Freak “The Ferg” and The Dynamic Rhythm Machine known as “Ryan O’Connor”.


Fender Custom Shop Fret Fest-Party

Show starts at 6PM.


Loffler’s Sports Bar & Grille

8901 Katella Ave,

Anaheim, CA 92804

Phone: (714) 826-2040

Podcast Episode #6 is Now Available!

John Blairs' Rocking Classical New Years Eve Extravaganza

In this podcast, Lady Reverb digs deep to uncover the rich vein of classical melodies played in the surf and euro-instro style. Our own CaptainSpringfield (AKA Warren Binder) takes the mic to surf maven John Blair for an in-depth interview. We also present brand new music from The Barbwires and Los Twang Marvels.

You can get it on our podcast page or it should be available in iTunes shortly.

Thanks Lady Reverb, Danny, Warren, and John Blair!

There is more to this story, continue reading ...