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oh hell this will take me awhile.
so so many ......


TK and In n Out......

Best burger over here on Kauai is The Point at The Sheraton Kauai Resort...1/2 pounder "deluxe"...yeah, it's $15 but it's a resort right on the beach and you won't be hungry for days after!! AND if you come on a Sunday night you get FREE surf music with that bad boy!! haha.
Best teri burger is at Keoki's Paradise on the S. Shore.
Decent burgers at Bubba's but you'll have to eat 3 or 4 of 'em!
After gigs is Oki Diner in Lihue...breakfast all night!!

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

In-n-out is great. I've had Tommy's once. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

Warren and I are Burger Brothas.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Red Onion burgers are by far the best ones i've had.




Combo Tezeta IG

off the top of my head,
of course my fav fast food burger is the western bacon cheeseburger form Carls Jr.

and TK burger that HB Kahuna mentioned
and Knollwood that Warren Mentioned are great.

The Kona Burger at Kona formerly Sams Seafood is pretty damn good,
16 bucks for Kobe Beef and a 1/2 inch thick slice of cheddar cheese.
among other toppings and sweet potato fries.

Hodads burgers in Ocean Beach in San Diego area.
get the Bacon Chhesburger.
its not just slices of bacon, they actually chop the bacon up and make a little patty to put on top of the beef patty. Drool

Barney Beanery in Hollywood has a 15 page menu.
so they have anything under the sun.
but their burgers are really good.
they have like 25 diff. choice to go with .
and they have the option of Kobe beef for 3 bucks more.

The Ruby's chain of 50's style diners makes a pretty decent burger.
not the best ever, but if your along the coast they are usually at each pier or really close to one.

there is a surfy/beachy chain of burger joints called woody's
I remember them having a really good guacamole burger.
and killer fries.

and to top it off before I go to bed,
The Pike bar and grill in Long Beach on 4th near Cherry
has the Jeff's BBQ bacon burger, and its served open face on a rool instead of a bun, its great fun trying to shut it and get yer mouth around this beast. but besides the burger. they have Pabst blue ribbon beer batter onion rings that are absolutely thee best rings in the world.

will prob think of more later.




I think you need your own Food Network show!

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Here in Athens, GA, it's a place called Clocked.

It's a townie/arty diner type place with one of the best burgers I've ever had. They have about 10 different models to choose from and killer tater tots and fried dill pickles (it's a Southern fetish). You can get a beer there or, if you prefer, it's within site of the fabulous 40 Watt Club and two of the best bars in Athens -- the Manhattan and Trappeze Pub. The coolest thing is that you can go to Clocked, put in an order and pay, then head to the bar of your choice and they'll walk it over and deliver it to you while you are sitting at any of the bars in the vicinity!


U.S.Cafe, Smyrna, GA

is this where we ate with you and mr. katcher last winter?

Hey, Carol,

Yep, that's the place.

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

my favs:

- The Vortex, Little 5 Points, Atlanta (Completely agree WoodyJ!!!) It's probably the best burger I've ever had.

- Frankie's Bohemian Cafe, San Francisco

- Burgermeister, San Francisco.

These places have consistently impressed me. NOTHING like a really good hamburger!! Big Grin

Sounds like I need to check out U.S. Cafe!

There's a place here called the Thurmand Cafe that has amazing burgers. They're delicious, well-made, and you can make two meals out of one.

Art's Corner Cafe in Ventura is the best in town, they make their own buns.

My three favorites in order are:

Pabowski's Dog House in Murfreesboro, TN (They push the Chicago style hotdogs but their burgers are simply the best I've ever had).

US Cafe in Smyrna, GA (Their Super Burger is awesome)

The Vortex in Little Five Points, GA / Genny's Diner in Louisville, KY (tie) (The Vortex burgers give the US Cafe a run for their money and Genny's are dang good and the biggest I've ever seen... plus they have "Frickle Pickles!!")

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

In'n'out - nuff said


Smile Sorry Danny, but I've never really liked In & Out. Every time I've eaten that food it always made me sick Puke I'm probably gonna get Stoned for saying that Laughing In the other hand I always prefer Nations Drool

The Deadbeats

I've always like to make my own. They aren't great, and they are rather plain, but not bad.

Smile Jake what are you some kinda Chef? You seem to enjoy making your own food. But I would agree that home cooked Hamburgers are great Razz probably my favorite besides Nations. And its cool to just be Chillin and making your burgers on the grill. Zanti we gotta do that again sometime, Im hungry Laughing

The Deadbeats

I like to make my own burgers, too. I'm certainly no chef, though.

I do, however, enjoy wearing the hat.


In'n'out - nuff said


Smile Sorry Danny, but I've never really liked In & Out. Every time I've eaten that food it always made me sick Puke I'm probably gonna get Stoned for saying that Laughing In the other hand I always prefer Nations Drool

when we moved to So. Cal. in 81 we went to In n Out alot, sometimes 2 or 3 times a week. I got burnt out on it.
I admit they got great fries, and killer real Vanilla Ice cream shakes.
but I'm more of a flame broiled fan than grilled burgers.

and when I drive by In n Out and they are grilling Onions for somebodys burgers I throw up a little bit in my mouth.

Wink Puke


"16 bucks for Kobe Beef"

Kobe Beef? What the hell is Kobe Beef?
Will it turn me into a basketball player?

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

"16 bucks for Kobe Beef"

Kobe Beef? What the hell is Kobe Beef?
Will it turn me into a basketball player?

Kobe as in Kobe, Japan,
they walk the cows around alot, so they dont just stand there.
they message them,
and I heard that they feed them Oats soaked in Guinness Beer.
instead of just hay.

dude I work payday to payday.
but believe me, its worth 16 bucks.



"16 bucks for Kobe Beef"

Kobe Beef? What the hell is Kobe Beef?
Will it turn me into a basketball player?

Kobe as in Kobe, Japan,
they walk the cows around alot, so they dont just stand there.
they message them,
and I heard that they feed them Oats soaked in Guinness Beer.
instead of just hay.

dude I work payday to payday.
but believe me, its worth 16 bucks.

Oh. Thanks for clarifing that Jeff.
That's pretty cool. I've never eaten a cow that's been messaged before. Is that a text message, or a phone message?

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

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