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Permalink SurfyTrem DIY builds and FAQ's

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bjoish wrote:

Sonichris wrote:

I finished my Surfy Reverb tremolo combo last week.

Sonichris thats a really cool combo build !!!
How did you make that faceplate?

It's a vinyl sticker. I have a friend that does vehicle wraps, so he printed it for me on a big wrap in a leftover section. He does lots of other stickers that way too.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

buy my surfy Trem at livorno
maybe it will fit in 1590 B
need to be precise on the drilling to make all fit ,and i will make all the wire less than 6 cm to avoid trouble
need to read the notice cause it not need to be true bypass it seems ?,cause the 3 pdt will not fit for sure
it will fit a lot easyer in a 125 b


or maybe just put in my surfybear reverb enclosure where there is room for

Last edited: Jun 30, 2017 13:05:54

Yes you are right, it seems too tight to fit.
Have you seen the drill pattern for 1590bb for download at sg101?

Last edited: Jul 03, 2017 05:39:57

What about chopping the corners off the board? can't see any circuitry going through them

LinkJr wrote:

What about chopping the corners off the board? can't see any circuitry going through them

Nor can I, so I think you can file them down. Do the holes line up?

Just finished all 3 trem pedal kits and love them!

Last edited: Jul 04, 2017 23:17:54

Hi Guys.

I'm looking to mount my Surfy Tremolo with my Surfy Reverb. Does anyone know the size of screw needed for the 4 screw holes off hand?


I don't know but I'll ask her.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

kizzer wrote:

Hi Guys.

I'm looking to mount my Surfy Tremolo with my Surfy Reverb. Does anyone know the size of screw needed for the 4 screw holes off hand?

Hi Kieran

The size of the PCB holes are 3mm. The screw length you need depends on what kind of stand off you want to use.

Gilbro wrote:

Just finished all 3 trem pedal kits and love them!

Drool Drool Drool Drool Drool Drool Drool Drool Drool

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

bjoish wrote:

kizzer wrote:

Hi Guys.

I'm looking to mount my Surfy Tremolo with my Surfy Reverb. Does anyone know the size of screw needed for the 4 screw holes off hand?

Hi Kieran

The size of the PCB holes are 3mm. The screw length you need depends on what kind of stand off you want to use.

Thanks for the answer Björn.

Out of interest, what is the hole diameter on the reverb board?


kizzer wrote:

Out of interest, what is the hole diameter on the reverb board?

The hole of the SurfyBear PCB is 3.5mm.

bjoish wrote:

kizzer wrote:

Out of interest, what is the hole diameter on the reverb board?

The hole of the SurfyBear PCB is 3.5mm.

Great, Thanks!


I'm trying to build a Surfy Trem board and after assembling I noticed that there is a connection between the 12V power pins. Can anyone tell me if this is right? (see pic)



plastic wrote:


I'm trying to build a Surfy Trem board and after assembling I noticed that there is a connection between the 12V power pins. Can anyone tell me if this is right? (see pic)


There's a resistance of 2.16 kOhm across the terminals which is normal. It isn't shorted. With this value the circuit would only draw 70 mW, which is very little. Just plug it in and enjoy!

Hi. Quick question please. Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere. I did look over the 7 pages of posts, and I have looked at the Surfy PDF too. If I missed this info, I'd be happy for you to direct me elsewhere.

I'm thinking about buying the SurfyTrem DIY kit. As I'd need to buy a few other bits and pieces can I ask:

  1. Is the LED that comes with the kit 5mm in size? I want to make sure I order the correct bezel size.

  2. What size shafts are on the pots? I want to make sure that I order knobs that fit.


Hello Bernm
Welcome to the forum!
Here are some answers to your questions:
1. Yes, the LEDs are 5mm, flat top type.
2. The potentiometer shafts are 6mm diameter. You can download the build instructions pdf from the website and take look at the pot included in the kit.

Last edited: Sep 26, 2017 08:51:17

Hello again. Well I've ordered a nice enclosure and some other bits from Mammoth, so hopefully those bits along with the Surfy Trem kit will arrive about the same time.

Two more questions please:

(1) I've been looking at the kit instruction PDF and I'm not 100% sure of where on the DC connection jack the red (12V) and black (GND) wires are connecting. I've just drawn a simple version. Can someone please verify that I have this correct?

(2) Assuming number one above is correct, I can't then make sense of the battery addition diagram on page 2 of this thread. It looks reverse (but then again I'm new at this stuff so I could be wrong!). Can someone please tell me if that diagram is to be used exactly as shown, or it's a negative ground example just for illustration purposes?

Thanks. Sorry that I'm probably asking questions with very obvious answers!



Bern, you’re both wrong and right at the same time. Let me explain.

For nearly all effects pedals powered by 9 volts the general convention is that the negative terminal is the center pin. However, in 12 volt powered effects it’s positive on the center pin. Don’t ask me why, I really don’t know.

Now with the Surfy Trem you have the choice to power it by 12 volts or by 9 volts. Some of us prefer to have the trem in on their pedal board so they chose the 9volts variant, which can be powered from power supply on the board. Some have bought the powersupply from the surfyindusties website, which is 12 volts, and use it to power the trem as a standalone unit. So to answer your questios:
1) this is the right way to connect a 12 volts power supply. Reverse the wires on the connector for 9 volts.

2) the drawing on page 2 of this thread is the right way to connect a 9volts supply. I bet you can make a combination of a 12 v supply and a 9 v battery but you have to figure out that one yourself.

Last edited: Oct 05, 2017 05:53:30

Thanks Gilette. Now it all makes sense. For some reason I missed the fact that if using a normal pedal 9V power supply, the board gets wired up the usual way as with any center negative effect. I didn't really see that clarified in the instructions, i.e. I thought the DC jack had to be wired the same way whether using an adapter or a power supply (maybe I missed that). And that's why the battery connection diagram on p2 didn't make sense to me - I thought it looked like standard pedal wiring but couldn't get that to gel with the 12V positive center model I was working from.

So, problem sorted. I'll be using a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ or battery for my Surfy Trem (was never planning on using a 12V adapter), so I'm fine with wiring it up now, and with or without battery, and either standard or true-bypass. All good.

Thanks again - your comments have been most helpful.


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