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my tweed deluxe just got a power transformer today. All that's left is a cabinet. Was looking at edcor for something different before learning ClassicTone was shutting down last october. Had to do one more CT instead. Super bummed I won't be able to make more amps with their iron. great company.

Last edited: Jan 14, 2021 01:44:59

added a USA Vibrato I got from a friend, filed the nut down for .011s, added a drop of teflon lubricant to the knife edge of the vibrato and the bottom of the thimbles. this thing is now totally stable with heavy vibrato use.


Total bummer about Classic Tone, excellent choice using the Soursound!

cosmonaut wrote:

my tweed deluxe just got a power transformer today. All that's left is a cabinet. Was looking at edcor for something different before learning ClassicTone was shutting down last october. Had to do one more CT instead. Super bummed I won't be able to make more amps with their iron. great company.

Another Quilter install to my cabinet. Quilter Pro Block 200 and now a Quilter Tone Block 202 plus two Surfy Bear Reverbs for stereo surf.


The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Jan 19, 2021 10:44:49

Just built this up for my bandmate:

The body is a warmoth split jazz that I did in stew mac's vintage white. The pickguard I just cut from a standard jm pickguard. The pu's are TV Jones classics. It sounds and plays fantastic. I'm a little jealous. I have a similar jm that's a thinline and I think that this one might sound better (it probably is just different and not mine. . . )

Oh, and those tuners are gotoh staggered vintage style tuners. I really like them and have used them a few times. No need for string trees with them which just takes away another friction point for better tuning stability using a vibrato.


New music!


That bridge pu looks wonky in that photo, it's fixed.


New music!


my first time doing a fender style grille cloth with added piping (midway through, here). all came together pretty straight. just need to hit it with a heat gun for a final pass. it's for my 6g2 brown princeton clone. the tolex is sky blue to match my reverb unit.

also, feeling ok with my seams on this tweed clone cabinet I'm covering for my partner. putting vinyl on amp cabinets (the fender way) is my LEAST favorite part of building amps.


Last edited: Mar 24, 2021 00:30:21

grill cloth time! Any suggestions?
1) top left
2) top right
3) bottom left
4) bottom right


I vote for top right.

cosmonaut wrote:

grill cloth time! Any suggestions?
1) top left
2) top right
3) bottom left
4) bottom right


Where'd you find all that grill cloth? It looks great! I think I'd also pick top right.

duncanjames wrote:

Where'd you find all that grill cloth? It looks great! I think I'd also pick top right.

thanks! most votes on my instagram have been for that too. it's upside down in this photo (whoops!) and has a little more flecks on the other side (looks even better). I'm not a fan of fender type grill cloth, but it's been a huge challenge to find exactly what I want.

this is all modern acoustic fabric by guilford of maine. the place i got samples was acoustical solutions. i discovered them when covering absorption panels for concert halls. shipping is CRAZY but the fabric is about $20 per yard and they'll do a 1 yard minimum.

the fabrics do stretch in one direction more than the other so application is a little challenging. they print diffusion specs in the fabric literature, I believe, if you need as little attenuation/coloration as possible.

Last edited: Mar 27, 2021 15:29:59

the princeton head cabinet is finished. will get two matching speaker cabinets. both tilt-back capable. it's a lovely sonic blue tolex color that I can't capture in photos very well. I love the ampeg style handles and put them on everything.


Last edited: Mar 27, 2021 15:28:17

finally fired up the tweed deluxe. interesting little amp. everything in spec and biased well. the bass flub is a bit much, so now for a sprinkling of modifications. something higher gain but reversible, tighter low end, and maybe some flavors of NFB.


Nice Deluxe build.
Changing the phase inverter coupling caps to .022 would help clean the amp up a bit, lose the low end flub.
I've been thinking of building one of these for myself with the same mods that are in the Edge Deluxe that Fender put out a while ago.
The mods aren't new, breaking technology but they definitely provide for a more pedal friendly and cleaner, tighter deluxe sound.
Some good info here if you haven't already seen it.


CrazyAces wrote:

Nice Deluxe build.
Changing the phase inverter coupling caps to .022 would help clean the amp up a bit, lose the low end flub.
I've been thinking of building one of these for myself with the same mods that are in the Edge Deluxe that Fender put out a while ago.
The mods aren't new, breaking technology but they definitely provide for a more pedal friendly and cleaner, tighter deluxe sound.
Some good info here if you haven't already seen it.


thanks Jeff. Rob's page is in my bookmarks and that's one modification i had planned. I always build to stock, then mod what I don't like (which usually isn't much). Deluxes are a dime a dozen, but they're also very easy. I am slowly building a capacitor test box so I can tune amps much more quickly to go with an old resistor decade box as well.

hand cut two turretboards for a 6G4 Fender Super and drilled out all the holes. Waiting on a new batch of turrets to stake in. initially I wanted a 6g4-A, but instead I went with the 6g4. I've never played either, so we'll see what happens.


Last edited: Apr 18, 2021 15:06:41


I’ve been working on this build for a bit, almost ready to start sanding the clear.


Here is version 2 of the Partsmaster shown above.

Nice! I see you have the pu switch closer to the strings. Do you prefer it there?


New music!


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