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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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Yes, very cool !!

Cool builds wfoguy, it's neat to see something really different.


At last I found some time to finish my Surfy Bear. Works like a dream. Thanks Bjorn!



That is very cool Frank; love the vintage treatment on the power cord.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger wrote:

That is very cool Frank; love the vintage treatment on the power cord.

I found oud you can cover a normal power cord with a shoe lace! Provided it's long enough. I use laces for outdoor shoes. Looks good doesn't it?

Gilette wrote:

I found oud you can cover a normal power cord with a shoe lace! Provided it's long enough. I use laces for outdoor shoes. Looks good doesn't it?

Yeah, it looks like the cord on my Mom's toaster (like when I was 7 yrs old in the 50's). Cool

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Very good, Gilette. So much of this is an expression of the builder. I really enjoy watching that. I'm still surprised at how well it works. I'd be in line for almost anything that Bjorn would come up with. Smile

Well Sir Gilette my good man.

That rocks with the best of them but I'm not quite buying the "shoe lace" story. I can see a problem getting your shirts ironed.................

Somebody's vintage iron (or soldering iron) is missing a power cord.

Classic, dude.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

eddiekatcher wrote:

Somebody's vintage iron...

Scary wavelength; that's the other appliance (from our era) that came with a cord like that.


SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

eddiekatcher wrote:

Well Sir Gilette my good man.

That rocks with the best of them but I'm not quite buying the "shoe lace" story. I can see a problem getting your shirts ironed.................

Somebody's vintage iron (or soldering iron) is missing a power cord.

Classic, dude.


True story. I'll prove it to as soon as I can.

I was going to do a small video to explain my shoelace trick, but it seems I'm not the only one who does this.

But if I find a spare minute Ed, I'll do the video anyway.

I'm just funning' ya..........

You can always just take your shirts to to cleaners..

Clever idea actually.

Or was it really the cat?

ed Picard Face Palm

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Face Palm

Irony and internet don't mix. I should've known...

Cheers Ed.

Finished my Surfy Bear. I used a $17 Harbor Freight tool box which barely fits a tank. Put a stomp switch on top of the box to turn the reverb on and off- the power button won't do it as power is needed to pass any signal. The tank is mounted in the lid to allow space below, but I'm temporarily keeping it in the bottom of the box to allow easy access to the gain control.

A few things I found helpful. I used pretinned wire from Mojotone which makes it easier to strip without losing strands and easier to insert in the circuit board holes. Instead of incandescent indicator bulbs with resistors, Bulbtown has small bayonet LED bulbs which work on any voltage between 6 and 28V (#L8047, T3-1/4 BA9S base) for $8.

It's been a great project, thanks to Bjorn. Love the sound.


Very nice job TJ! I am really looking forward to using mine live at our show tonight at Kavarna. They do sound simply amazing.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Nice build but you paid too much for the toolbox!
Just kidding. I wanted one that looked well-used so I shopped Craigslist and got one for $10.
What is the wood molding strip at the hinge for?
I like the on-off bypass switch feature on the new version but I will "make do" with mine always in-circuit. Seems to pretty well bypass when mix is turned to zero, and I seldom turn it all the way down anyhow, because "it's not music without reverb".

tikijon wrote:

Finished my Surfy Bear. I used a $17 Harbor Freight tool box which barely fits a tank. Put a stomp switch on top of the box to turn the reverb on and off- the power button won't do it as power is needed to pass any signal. The tank is mounted in the lid to allow space below, but I'm temporarily keeping it in the bottom of the box to allow easy access to the gain control.

A few things I found helpful. I used pretinned wire from Mojotone which makes it easier to strip without losing strands and easier to insert in the circuit board holes. Instead of incandescent indicator bulbs with resistors, Bulbtown has small bayonet LED bulbs which work on any voltage between 6 and 28V (#L8047, T3-1/4 BA9S base) for $8.

It's been a great project, thanks to Bjorn. Love the sound.


Squink Out!

Very nice build tikijon!

eddiekatcher wrote:

Very nice job TJ! I am really looking forward to using mine live at our show tonight at Kavarna. They do sound simply amazing.


How'd the show go with the Surfy Bear?


We had a great time at Kavarna! The Surfy Bear worked really well. The AmpFibians were awesome as was Tiger!Tiger!

All in all we had a great receptive crowd and I'm sure everyone had a large evening. It was great to see the regulars as well as Silver Surfer and his Mrs., Eddie Cannon, WoodyJ, Cindy, Toneboy Ron and Martha (in town from Nashville) and the distance award goes to Midwest Surf Guy for driving in from Cincinnati! I even got to meet Mad Scientist's mom for the first time. Now great is that?

Surfy Bears rule!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

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