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Permalink Surf Revival Top 101 - 2013 edition (old thread)

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simoncoil wrote:

  1. Slacktone - Glide

  2. Man or Astro-man? - Bermuda Triangle Shorts

Dude! I didn't expect anybody else to choose those. Those are two of my choices as well.

And no Penetrators... I quit SG101. I hate what this thread has caused me to become. I'm a monster, don't look at me.

Don't worry Jake. Niels will combine everyone's votes into a list of 101 and we'll get to listen to them all. That is, assuming we can manage a unique set of 101 songs. We'll need more voters. Smile

Still thinking about my lists. It is very hard.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The modern surf will have no problem getting to 101, that is going to be an issue for first wave...

It is very hard!

There've got to be many candidates here. But many of them might be too obscure to be people's favorites. Lots of terrific songs, though.

Sorry, wrong thread.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Nov 02, 2013 16:08:28


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 09:51:42

These are my 10 favourites surf revival tracks today and now. Tomorrow they will have changed for sure.

2 DICK DALE - Nitro
3 TWANG MARVELS - Sea of glory
4 SURF COASTERS - Intruder
5 JON & THE NIGHTRIDERS - Moving target
8 FRANKIE & THE POOLBOYS - Ewa on the beach
9 LOS LOBOS / ARTURO SANDOVAL - Walk don´t Rango
10 THE TORMENTOS - Dragstrip night

I had doubts with song number 9, but it is such a great song...
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Here is my list
1. The bambi molesters - Point of no return (live version)
2. The monster mullet mafia - surf no limits
3. The phantom four - Paganini
4. Les Agamemnons - Apollo
5. The Apemen Percolator Stomp
6. jason lee and the riptides - whateve the new album will be
7. The Akulas - Gerade aus
8. The surf raiders point conception 63
9. Daikaiju - Zombie harem
10. Satan's pelgrims - Haunted House Of Rock

  1. The Surf Coasters - "Intruder"
  2. The Tomorrowmen - "Chronosurf"
  3. The Madeira - "Undercurrents"
  4. Aqualads - "Bon Voyage"
  5. The Penetrators - "Checkpoint Echo"
  6. Los Straitjackets - "Pacifica"
  7. The Fathoms - "Fathom This!"
  8. Insect Surfers - "Polaris"
  9. Frankie & The Poolboys - "The Raven"
  10. Atomic Mosquitos - "Cool Action Space Tune"


Confused ... hard one! May need some time to have it right.

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

Somebody else should be Supernova by the Nebulas on there. Damn good song. That second album... it's as good as anything.

  1. Los Straitjackets - "Kawanga"
  2. Los Straitjackets - "Tempest"
  3. Los Straitjackets - "Tailspin"
  4. Los Twang! Marvels - "Rippin' Waves"
  5. Satan's Pilgrims - "Shit Sandwich"
  6. The Surf Coasters - "Intruder"
  7. Man or Astro-Man? - "Surf Terror"
  8. The Treble Spankers - "Dilmohammed"
  9. Dick Dale - "Nitro"
  10. Los Tormentos - "Dragstrip Night"

JakeDobner wrote:

simoncoil wrote:

  1. Slacktone - Glide

  2. Man or Astro-man? - Bermuda Triangle Shorts

Dude! I didn't expect anybody else to choose those. Those are two of my choices as well.

Hey Jake, I am not that surprised actually. From reading your posts during the last one and a half year I knew already that we are into a lot of the same music (and that isn't limited to surf). But I wouldn't have guessed that you would also include "Everybody Up" in your classic top ten. I thought you would probably have chosen "Little Ollie" or "Margaya" instead (which are of course also great).

PolloGuitar wrote

simoncoil wrote:

Interestingly I found chosing ten modern surf songs harder than picking ten classics,

It was fairly easy for me to come up with 10 classics, I think because the releases were singles, rather than albums. I think many would agree that The Madeira are one of the top 10 modern bands, but it's improbable for us to agree on what their definitive song would be. Whereas, even though The Chantays released a several albums, it's clear that Pipeline is their signature song, mostly because it was a hit single.
Anyway, I'm working on it.

Ferenc, that of course only happens, when you approach the list with the idea of representing bands through signature or "definitve" songs, which I didn't even try. I just made a list of the bands I like and then chose the song by them I like the most. And that doesn't necessarily have to be the most representative... The thing was probably just that I have more CDs by modern surfbands than classics.

Just to encourage everyone who thinks "How can I possibly come up with a definitve list?": Just don't! Make a list of personal favorites instead. Nobody here will say: "You dind't include 'Intruder', which tells us you know nothing about surf music. Get out!" (hopefully) Wink

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

Last edited: Nov 03, 2013 12:43:49

Man, this is too hard.

I'll just have to list bands:

The Mummies
The Phantom Surfers
Los Mel-Tones
Meshugga Beach Party
the Huntington Cads
Jon and the Nightriders
the Untamed Youth
the Aqualads
the Fathoms
early Los Straitjackets

ugh, I know I left out a few of my other fave bands, but I can't narrow it down to songs, sorry!

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Aww, come on Matt...just add a song to each. You can do it! Feel the pain! Twisted Evil

The modern surf will have no problem getting to 101, that is going to be an issue for first wave...

It is very hard!

That is what I thought to but actually with little over 20 lists done we are already at 101 classic titles Smile

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

I went with "Holy Shit!" moments– Songs that, from the second I heard them, made me change course, ramp up my desire to be a better player and songwriter, perfectly captured a mood and time, and were complete constructs (melody, groove, arrangements). They may not have changed the path and growth of surf music for everyone, but they did for me. This list should be a lot longer.

"Bells of St.Kahuna" - Slacktone
"Cactus" - Brazil 2001
"Western"- King of Hawaii
"Silver Coast" - Insect Surfers
"Nomad"- Aqua Velvets
"Intruder" - Surf Coasters
"Ocean Beach"- Mermen
"Solaris Stomp" - The Space Cossacks
"Cumana" - Los Twang! Marvels
"Mobius Transformation" - The TomorrowMen
"Surfers Anthem" - Evan Foster

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Don't know all the songs or bands (enjoy alot from different bands) but nothing gets me fired up like the Ghastly Ones (and to a lesser extent, MOAM)!!

I chose songs that I have long been addicted to and happily listen to repeatedly. Most seem to expand my feeling of what can be done as a musician. All are hedonistic pleasures. In no particular order:

  1. Hayride to Hell - The Irreversible Slacks
  2. Summer - The Baronics
  3. Kremlin Karamel (AKA Kreml De La Kreml) - The Beat Tornados
  4. Nokken Surfacing - The Beat Tornados
  5. Deutsch Bag - Double Naught Spy Car
  6. You Jerk - El Fiendo
  7. Odie Hit Me First - El Fiendo
  8. Los Bomberas Borachos - Austin Transit Authority
  9. Rockula - Los Straitjackets
  10. Saturation - The Slackmates

Numbers 1 through 8 all gave me "what was that??!!!" reactions.
My sources for El Fiendo's amazing music are only their MySpace site and their band website. No CD! Their website deserves an award for dramatic art.


Last edited: Nov 03, 2013 16:25:57

This is a tough task for me, partly because I love so many bands, and partly because I know so many bands.

My solution (or cop-out) is to state unequivocally that bands that I am fortunate enough to be good friends with happen to be amongst my very favorites and have written many of the very best modern surf songs. Bands like Pollo Del Mar/ Frankie &PBs, The Madeira/Space Cossacks, Satan's Pilgrims, Slacktone, Aqualads, Insect Surfers, Meltones, The Pyronauts, Secret Samurai to name a bunch. So I'm leaving them off the list and concentrating on bands I don't know personally.

It's cheating but so what, I gotta do something to slim down the playing field. Big Grin My itunes was no help, as all those bands I mentioned fill up the most played list. Apologies to all my friends, whom I hope top the list at the final count.

  1. The Bambi Molesters - Theme from Slaying Beauty
  2. The Exotics - Shanghai
  3. The Falcons - Shadowland
  4. The Huntington Cads - Never to Return
  5. The Kilaueas - Catharsis
  6. Laika and the Cosmonauts - NY'79
  7. Los Twang Marvels - Sea of Glory
  8. The Mermen - Scalp Salad
  9. Nebulas - Cosmos 954
  10. Phantom IV - 4U

Honorable mention goes to the Baronics entire album Get Bach!

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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