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Permalink Thoughts on Johnny Marr

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Wow, really cool find, Paul!


I have lurked these boards for ages but this thread just jumped out at me! I am FASCINATED by Johnny Marr and everything he has done. My favorite rock guitarists are Johnny Marr and Joey Santiago. Love that classic sound.

Last edited: May 06, 2015 12:43:10



bigtikidude wrote:


How did you know that I'm Ralph Macchio?

tigermask wrote:

bigtikidude wrote:


How did you know that I'm Ralph Macchio?

Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

Haha!!!! Cobra Kai must die! Back on topic, has anyone on these boards mastered playing "This Charming Man"? And more importantly how did a 19 year old Johnny Marr compose such a complex beautiful work of art? Its not like he was like the other young guitar "virtuosos" johnny lang or Kenny wayne shepard who just ape tired blues scales to the n'th degree. Johnny Marr actually took his influences like T-rex, Nile Rogers and Burt Jansch and just made something so freaking beautiful... AT 19!!!! Damn.

Last edited: Jun 17, 2015 13:25:05

Makes me want to get one of these...


Last edited: Jun 17, 2015 22:33:05

I'll say it again. Johnny Marr is from another guitar playing planet.

I love the quote from Noel Gallagher when he said, "Johnny Marr isn't as good as Johnny Marr...". Gallagher was retelling a story about Marr struggling to replicate the intro to "How Soon is Now" in the studio. I think that's how the story went.

Johnny Marr and The Smiths and a lot of other great bands from Britain during the early to late 80s were completely off my radar at the time.

I do not find them to be "instant gratification" so my appreciation for them is slowly growing over time..."How Soon Is Now?" and much of Marr's last two solo albums are easy to get into but I am trying to pick away at the material from the The Smiths that so many people now in their mid-40s to mid-50s (in particular, not exclusively) found to be so influential and life-changing when they were younger. Noel Gallagher and Marr's own interviews re: The Smiths definitely do shine a light on what made that era so great.
Love to get my hands on one of those Oly white Marr Jags.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Last edited: Jun 18, 2015 10:23:22

shake_n_stomp wrote:

Love to get my hands on one of those Oly white Marr Jags.

Ditto. My local shop has a variety of Xlnt Cond+ used Jags (various models & colors) hanging right now. I need to get over there & compare. I'm not as Jag-familiar as I should be so, other than obvious things like the switch, I'm not that familiar with the nuances between the AV '65, the Marr, and the 50th Anniversary '12 models. (The anniversary in Lake Placid Blue & the Marr in Metallic KO really grabbed my eye.) So guess I've got some learning to do.

Sorry for detour; back to his music.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.


Sacramento 03/02/16....mind blown. Finally got to see him play. Still smiling a week later.

Tiger, this is something I have been saying for some time. I would be impressed with a 40 year songwriting veteran writing the licks in This Charming Man. To put that task on a 19 year old simply baffles me. Yes, I can hear Chet Atkins influence all through it. But even for its time, that simply is so out of left field for a guitarist of his age.

tigermask wrote:

Haha!!!! Cobra Kai must die! Back on topic, has anyone on these boards mastered playing "This Charming Man"? And more importantly how did a 19 year old Johnny Marr compose such a complex beautiful work of art? Its not like he was like the other young guitar "virtuosos" johnny lang or Kenny wayne shepard who just ape tired blues scales to the n'th degree. Johnny Marr actually took his influences like T-rex, Nile Rogers and Burt Jansch and just made something so freaking beautiful... AT 19!!!! Damn.

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