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TeeJay wrote:

Well, how can I not "chime" in on this thread? Pardon the pun! This is also my very first post as I just joined a few days ago.

I'm not sure what I can add to the thread that hasn't already been said. JM has been my all-time favourite guitar player since I discovered the Smiths while living in London in 1984. Just a tasteful, understated, melodic player.

Here's a tip for anyone wanting to learn some Smiths riffs- listen to the live recording "Rank". Marr plays the main riffs loud and clear. Some nice song arrangements on that disc too.


Welcome to SG101! If you like, you can fill us in here with anything more you'd like to tell about yourself. Purely optional. Thanks for the tip on learning Johnny's riffs.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Thought I'd let you know that after reading this topic several times I decided to take the plunge and buy 'The Messenger' by Johnny Marr and something by The Smiths (a 2008 23-track remaster comp called 'the sound of The Smiths'. Next up is some Shoegaze. I have a LOT of catching up to listen to.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

You will love the messenger!


From Pro Guitar Shop:

If you’ve never listened to the Smiths’ “How Soon Is Now?” cranked through a pair of headphones – do yourself a favor and make it happen TODAY. PGS cannot be held responsible if your mind melts while you listen OR while you try to replicate this iconic 80s guitar riff.

Johnny Marr has made it to guitar hero status not just because he has been working non-stop since the Smiths broke up in 1987, but because of his inventive, textured playing. Along with the Edge and Peter Buck, Marr was a breath of fresh air in the eighties guitar scene, eschewing overplaying (metal!) and underplaying (punk!) to find innovative ways to use the guitar to create amazing songs (see: “How Soon Is Now?”).

Marr may be one of the more low-key guitar heroes of the last 30 years, but the man has a collection that is to be reckoned with—it takes a guitar village to create the tones that Marr has cooked up in the last 30 years. This week in Andy’s Corner, we’re taking a look at some of the tools he’s used to do it.

Though Marr is inextricably tied to the Fender Jaguar these days, he wasn’t yet using them as a primary instrument in the Smiths. Taking a look at Marr’s own Guitarchestra reveals a host of non-Fenders that laid the foundation for his legendary Smiths’ sound, perhaps most iconically a 1983 Rickenbacker 330/6 which helped define Marr’s bright, plucky, chimey tones. Marr added a Rickenbacker 330/12 to kick up the chime --an instrument that once belonged to Pete Townshend and somehow managed to escape un-smashed!

Marr was also known for using a variety of Gibsons/Epiphones during the Smiths—including 335s and Casinos for a rich, huge, ringing sounds but also Les Pauls for thicker, meatier tones. Among the great instruments in Marr’s collection are a 1959 Les Paul and a gorgeous 1954 Gibson 295 that has seen some action and lives on to tell the tale.

A few years into the Smiths, Marr began using Strats- a lot of them. He is seen photographed with a plethora of strats, yet none of them have made it onto Marr’s official Guitarchestra gallery, as well as a green Roger Giffin custom telecaster.

In the post-Smiths landscape, Marr worked with New Order’s Bernard Sumner in Electric- where he tended to favor 335s and 345s, including a ’68 345 Stereo that was converted to mono (why not?!) and a stunning ebony 335 that features a Bigsby and bound f-holes. Gorgeous.

Marr has worked non-stop since the Smiths, doing stints in the Pretenders (seriously), Modest Mouse, Johnny Marr and the Healers, and the Cribs. Over the course of the last several years, Marr has increasingly favored the Fender Jaguar and in 2012, Fender released the Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar to great acclaim.

Marr has always used Fender amplifiers throughout his career, complemented by a handful of other brands; a Fender Twin Reverb or Reverb Deluxe was often complemented by a Roland JC120, Vox AC30, and/or Mesa Boogie MKIII for a mix of tones to deliver any sound Marr needed.

Like many players in the eighties, Marr started off his effects rig with one or two little boxes from Boss. Though he was frequently using the chorus out of the JC120, he had a Boss CE-2 onboard to add chorus to his Fender amps. Later, a GE-6 was added to allow Marr to fine tune the frequencies of his tone. But—like many players in the eighties—Marr graduated onto rack effects by the later years of the Smiths, using a Bel BD40 and then Korg SDD 3000s, 2000s, and 1000s (units also favored by the Edge). And- like many players from the eighties who started on Boss and then moved to rackmounted effects-- Marr is back to the pedalboard again, recently having been spotted with a board featuring an array of Carl Martin effects, including a CM Chorus XII, CM HeadRoom, and CM DeLayla XL for that classic Johnny tone.

After 30 years of playing and evolving, Marr is still an inspiration, recently releasing his solo debut, The Messenger , which features what is surely a signature style.


How Soon is Now? is a great song, but his genius is on tracks like Girl Afraid, Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others, Paint a Vulgar Picture, Still Ill. The dynamics, the patterns/chord shapes he uses...

Marr has called himself James Williamson's biggest fan, and this contains his all time favorite guitar riff. It's enlightening to get to the source of one of his earliest influences. Dark sounding minor arpeggios:

Johnny Marr on Johnny Marr, in his own words.


Playing the guitar means always having something cool to do. It means having ambitions to be a rock star, escaping your life, or just learning to play your favourite songs. It means having fun – because you really don’t need to be able to read music or have lessons to do it pretty well – and it means buying a strap and making sure it’s the correct length so it looks right and feels comfortable. But mainly so it looks right. Playing the guitar means forming a band with your mates and having your own thing, and it means struggle, on your own with sore fingers for two weeks, or with your band in little pubs, clubs and vans around the country until something happens or you give up. Playing the guitar means meeting new people and making new friends, it means staying up late, and showing off, and it means being able to express yourself, often at very high volume. Playing the guitar means fixating on a particular model or make you dream about getting but can’t afford. It means dressing up, and impressing some girls and impressing some boys. It means having a laugh, or disagreements over bits of songs or the direction of the group or the cover of the record, and it means feeling so happy about a riff or a song that you want the world to hear it that minute. Playing the guitar means never being alone with nothing to do. It means strumming for fun, or going further and further into amazing territory and a lifetime of discovery and discipline, or just taking up a hobby that gives you a bit pleasure and a sense of achievement. Playing the guitar means everything. Know what I mean?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Dec 04, 2013 11:14:18

This video for Fender is very cool - Johnny talking about Fender guitars and amps, and performing several songs live in the studio - sounds GREAT! Really dig his new album, too, still listening to it.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

VERY cool! Thank's for sharing!


Count me as another huge fan. I, too, was put off a bit by Morrissey's chronic whining, but I love everything I've ever heard from Marr. I especially like some of his more off-the-beaten-track collaborations with Brian Ferry, Kirsty MacColl, and The The. The Messenger is just a stunningly brilliant album, where Marr proves he cannot only PLAY guitar, but is a master of layering dozens of them.

My favorite cut is "European Me", which somehow manages to both rock hard and be achingly beautiful at the same time. (And yes, he can somehow pull it off live, too.)

Cool Noisey interview

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Yes, I am reopening this thread!
Recently found this little Morricone tribute that Johnny and Billy Duffy of the Cult did.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Johnny Marr and Billy Duffy... and Morricone! Holy crap I think my head just exploded...

Very cool indeed! I followed the link on the YouTube page to an interview they did together last year -
Friends since their teens and both made it big - pretty amazing..

Bill S._______

Last edited: Sep 09, 2014 14:03:35

Okay...a combination of those three...just made may year!

The techno drum beat ruined it for me.


It would have gone down a storm on 1980s Top of the Pops ...Along side Doctorin' the Tardis by the Timelords. Arf!

crumble wrote:

Along side Doctorin' the Tardis by the Timelords. Arf!

JakeDobner wrote:

crumble wrote:

Along side Doctorin' the Tardis by the Timelords. Arf!

Laughing A rare surf cover of the Dr. Who theme!

BTW I wasn't comparing the Johnny and Duffy tune directly to the Timeloards, "Dave Stewart & Candy Dulfer - Lily Was Here" would do just as well. It does strike me as "Top of the Pops" fodder though.

I know! I saw this independently hours later and then remember Dr. Who was mentioned in this post. I've been known to be a fan!

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