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Permalink Am I the only one that doesnt like Dick Dale?

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In closing, just for fun I think I'll go to a NASCAR forum as a newbie and start a thread entitled "I don't like Richard Petty" and see what happens.

I think that's a very good analogy to the reaction in this thread. I wasn't offended, no, but I was kinda irked by that being a first post on a forum for those who like surf and most of whom really like Dick Dale. But whatever. Life goes on I guess. Welcome aboard IronMaiden.

We are talking about surf music.

Yes when I said anybody... it should have said "in the surf genre" after it.

Tom - Thanks for clarifying that. It initially seemed like a very broad generalization to I see the "angle" from which you were speaking.

For the record - I agree that Dick is likely responsible for introducing a technique that has become an integral part of the Surf style....a great accomplishment regardless of your instrument or stlye.

Krupanaut - Thanks, man. I'm a huge fan of music, the guitar, and guitar playing in general - I can honestly say I like music in almost all styles.


...I think you should give Dick's 1980s LP "The Tiger's Loose" a spin...the version of "The Wedge" on that album is awesome...

Also, many of the tracks on "Surfer's Choice" are stunning in their brilliance...

...and be sure to catch DD live sometime, just so you know what He's really all about...

best wishes,

Just kidding...Thanks Ill check that out. I dont hate DD, I just dont care for him like everyone else does. My band does 'The Beast' (from unknown territory) mainly because my drummer likes to play it and it is a cool song.


way-old Dick Dale phone interview on the web:

'You shouldn’t even be writing this story if you haven’t heard me play live.'

There are even some here that might like Ironmaiden. I'd bet not many, but some.

I like Iron Maiden. I doubt that I'd ever count 'em as an influence on my future creations, but I still like to listen to 'em...recreational listing, I s'ppose.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

this whole thread is pretty fucked up. What did you fucking people ever do in the music world that you can critique dale's playing ability? I have seen him live and I am pretty sure he would put most of you suckers to shame if you wanted to cut-heads with him. Second, ah fuck it, I ain't wasting my breath.

So, either you're a DickHead or not..... Twisted Evil

this whole thread is pretty fucked up. What did you fucking people ever do in the music world that you can critique dale's playing ability? I have seen him live and I am pretty sure he would put most of you suckers to shame if you wanted to cut-heads with him. Second, ah fuck it, I ain't wasting my breath.

I wouldn't have put it quite that way Rolling Eyes but I agree with that. At what level does a guitarist have to be before people stop questioning how well he can play? It really comes down to the choices an individual artist makes; repertoire, equipment, arrangements, tonal, stage show,etc.. Nobody that is mentioned on this group suffers in the playing department. I think people should limit their critiques to the choices I mentioned above. To accuse Dick or anyone else of being a poor player really reflects more on the accuser.


Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Stuff Hits the Fan LETS HEAR IT FOR THE DICKHEADS Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Twisted Evil


There are even some here that might like Ironmaiden. I'd bet not many, but some.

I like Iron Maiden. I doubt that I'd ever count 'em as an influence on my future creations, but I still like to listen to 'em...recreational listing, I s'ppose.


I wouldn't say that to Gein and the Grave robbers who did a surf cover of Transylvania,
and Surf Report who did a surf cover of The Trooper,
both turned out rather well I thought. though I was raised on Rock and Metal Rock



this whole thread is pretty fucked up. What did you fucking people ever do in the music world that you can critique dale's playing ability? I have seen him live and I am pretty sure he would put most of you suckers to shame if you wanted to cut-heads with him. Second, ah fuck it, I ain't wasting my breath.

I like to think a lot of people here, not me, could cut-heads with him. We have some pretty amazing players here.

I don't want to bash Dick but, on the topic of his tone, all he has ever done is play through the same set up and relied on being loud. I'd like to see him diversify.

and a bit of acoustic , and some trumpet , and Drums, and Sax back in the day. probably Piano too, seems kinda diversified, but
I'm not a 100% Dick Fan either.

I have a love hate relationship with the Dickster,
love most of the Music, hate the guy that I had a spat with in e-mails back and forth, ha ha ha.



yeah jeff, sure didin't stop you from seeing him for what the 15th time a few weeks ago ??? Laughing

and a bit of acoustic , and some trumpet , and Drums, and Sax back in the day. probably Piano too, seems kinda diversified, but
I'm not a 100% Dick Fan either.


Sure his musical abilities are diversified, just not his sound. When I look at Dave Wronski or somebody compared to Dick I prefer non Dick.

At what level does a guitarist have to be before people stop questioning how well he can play? It really comes down to the choices an individual artist makes; repertoire, equipment, arrangements, tonal, stage show,etc..

I agree that it comes down to artistic choices, and I think that we should still (at least try to) respect that person's choices regardless of whether or not we enjoy the finished product. Dick Dale does his own thing. Good for him. Some people dig it. Good for them. Some people don't. Good for them too. Neither side needs to question DD's abilities or stature as a human being based on the direction he's decided to take his career. It's not our place to make a show of it.
But maybe I'm biased because I do like Dick Dale.

LETS HEAR IT FOR THE DICKHEADS Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Twisted Evil

Proud and true. Cool

I don't want to bash Dick but, on the topic of his tone, all he has ever done is play through the same set up and relied on being loud. I'd like to see him diversify.

That's just not true Jake. What about his last CD?

Live I've also seen him play acoustic. Anyway, I'm not really sure what you mean. He does his bombastic stuff but he also does his (like it or not) Louis Armstrong, Johnny Cash, and whoever sang Fever impressions. I take it you've never seen him live?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


I don't want to bash Dick but, on the topic of his tone, all he has ever done is play through the same set up and relied on being loud. I'd like to see him diversify.

That's just not true Jake. What about his last CD?

Live I've also seen him play acoustic. Anyway, I'm not really sure what you mean. He does his bombastic stuff but he also does his (like it or not) Louis Armstrong, Johnny Cash, and whoever sang Fever impressions. I take it you've never seen him live?

I'm talking about within the context of surf rock. I'm aware he's done acoustic and I'm familiar with all of his cover songs.

Last CD was Unknown Territory?

No, his last CD, was Spacial Disorientation, which was extremely "diversified".

So, have you seen him live?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

No, his last CD, was Spacial Disorientation, which was extremely "diversified".

So, have you seen him live?

Only once, I was just getting into surf rock. So back in '00 or so. I don't have a huge recollection of the night.

yeah jeff, sure didin't stop you from seeing him for what the 15th time a few weeks ago ??? Laughing

Hey Waiamea Bay,
I think I've seen the Dickster at least 30 times if not more.
There were a few Reasons I went to see DD a few weeks back.
A friend of mine that hadn't seen him wanted to before DD kicks the Bucket. It was free, open to the public, and it was 100 ft form where the Rendevous used to be( so says DD, Im not positive about that).
even if its a band im not crazy about, I'd rather go see a band play than sit and watch tv or veg on the internet.
I don't go to see DD live at a paying venue now, unless the opening bands are someone I know, or want to see.
the New Years eve shows he does are 50 bucks plus plus plus,
way outta my price range, and his shows are 99% the same, so its not horrible, just the same for me. Not bad, just nothing new.



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