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The Endless Summer Surf Music Festival 2013

Los Venturas, Speedball Jr. and The Voodoo Club bookings are very pleased to announce the 2nd edition of 'The Endless Summer Surf Music Festival 2013'. This year's edition will be hold on Saturday, August 31, again at the Beach of Zeebrugge, Belgium. With the focus on quality rather then quantity we present you this year once more a selection of the best bands in the scene today. In our selection we aim for a line-up that is balanced but diverse. This year's line-up has it all!

  • EL RAY (DK) masters of hair-raising Euro-Instro-Surf
  • PHANTOM FOUR (NL) taking you on a charismatic melodic trip
  • O'HARAS (B) Our ambassadors of Power Surf-A-Billy
  • NEFERTARI (B) hip-shaking, breast-swinging, hot bellydancing

In addition to these spectacular performances: DJ's all night long, cocktails, fingerfood, and much more...

And best of all it's 100% FREE!

The Endless Summer Surf Music Festival 2013