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The Good The Bad kick out the jams with Wayne Kramer at SXSW

Instrumental Danish psych-surf trio The Good The Bad jetted into Austin, Texas to play eight showcases in and around SXSW in March, and played a very special show in collaboration with Wayne Kramer, legendary guitarist of the MC5.

On their last USA tour in 2010, The Good The Bad embellished their affiliation with the Jail Guitar Doors charity (having previously appeared on the soundtrack of the charity’s ‘Breaking Rocks’ documentary), as the band played alongside Billy Bragg, Chris Shiflett
(Foo Fighters) and Wayne Kramer (MC5) at the Strummerville/Jail Guitar Doors showcase.

Upon seeing them for first time, Wayne Kramer described The Good The Bad as “an incredible new band” and this time around, both joined forces and locked axes together at Roky Erickson’s Ice Cream Social 10th Anniversary show at Threadgills, Friday 16th March to play 'Kick Out The Jams'.

View video here.

Later that evening, Wayne Kramer led the charge at the Jail Guitar Doors official showcase at the Swan Dive with Tom Morello and other special guests. Jail Guitar Doors is a non-profit program that provides musical instruments and opportunities to help rehabilitate prisoners.

“Jail Guitar Doors is the loudest charity on earth.”  Wayne Kramer