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The Neanderthals
The Neanderthals

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SurfGuitar101 News & Articles

Stories with tag: "surfana"

Surfana made a new (original) track!

Surfana: Surfalong Cassidy

Check it out, as well as other tracks from our Participation Trophy Records labelmates.

Thanks! You're awesome! <3

Surfana CD "Whatever" is now available!

As of November 2014, the Surfana CD "Whatever" of surf covers of Nirvana songs is available.

Track listing:

  1. Smells Like Teen Spirit
  2. Heart-Shaped Box
  3. About A Girl
  4. Polly
  5. Aneurysm
  6. Lithium
  7. Dumb
  8. Come As You Are
  9. Sliver
  10. Drain You
  11. Rape Me
  12. Territorial Pissings
  13. All Apologies


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