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Stories with tag: "sg101-podcast"

SG101 Podcast Episode #15: New Releases in 2012; Part 2

Podcast episode #15 is here! This is the second half of our 2012 releases round up. Head on over to the podcast page to download or stream it.

  1. Los Oxidados - Spectre
  2. Los Straitjackets - New Siberia
  3. The Madeira - Twilight
  4. Maeds Dominos - Verannan Damernas
  5. The Man From Ravcon - Echo Canyon
  6. The Man From Ravcon - The Charmer
  7. The Mariners - Dance of the Cobra
  8. The Mighty Surf Lords - Lonely Sea
  9. Mike Barbwire - SOS RocknRoll (El Sotano Calling)
  10. Outer Space Heaters - Aphelion
  11. Pedrito Diablo y Los Cadaveras - Desenfundo Forastero
  12. Phantom Four - Morgana
  13. The Pyronauts - Jawbreaker
  14. The Reigning Monarchs - All Summer Single
  15. Reverand Hank - Longhorn
  16. The Roadrunners - Point Zero
  17. The Space Agency - Action a go-go
  18. The Spaceguards - Stampede
  19. The Supertones - Mysto Incognito
  20. The Surf Zombies - Beat Girl
  21. The Surfaders - Showdown at Tumbleweed Inn
  22. Terrorismo Tropical - Iron Surfer Man
  23. Twin Tones - Batalla de Columbus

Background music taken from Los Straitjackets new LP - Jet Set!

Thanks to all the bands who permitted us to use their music. And thanks to all the members of SG101 who help make this the very best place for surf music on the internet!

SG101 Podcast Episode #14: New Releases in 2012; Part 1

After another long break we are back with Episode #14: New Releases in 2012 part 1. A big thank-you to Lady Reverb and Danny Snyder for their hard work on this one. Enjoy! Head on over to the podcast page and download away.

Track listing:

  1. The Aquatudes - Cindy in the Sun
  2. The Atomic Blast - Space Patrol
  3. Bang! Mustang! - 6 Waves Under
  4. Bevel Emboss - Rumba Nova
  5. The Biarritz Boys - Whatever Happened to the Longboard
  6. The Born Losers - Tokyo Drifter
  7. The Amazing Coconauts - Over the Rainbow
  8. The Concussions - Phantom Limbs
  9. The Crazy Aces - Invasion of Malibu
  10. Espectro Plasma - Columbia UFO Attack
  11. The Exotics - Surf Burglar
  12. The Good The Bad - 049
  13. The Grande Bois - El Meteor
  14. Hell-O Tiki - Futterman's Phobia
  15. The High Fidelics - Lil Curfew Breaker
  16. The Inframen - Mercy Kill a Burning Man  
  17. King Pelican - Morocco
  18. Los Kahunas - 7 Mares
Bed music and outro song by Los Straitjackets from their new album Jet Set.

SG101 Podcast Episode #13: New Releases in 2011; Part 1

Finally after a loooong break we're back with a brand spankin' new surf music podcast. This episode features songs from albums that have been released in this year 2011. It's been a stellar year for surf music releases as this podcast will prove. There have been so many albums released that we're going to finish the list with the next podcast. Also on this episode is an interview with Don Wilson and Bob Spalding of The Ventures. This interview was conducted earlier this year by Rich Derksen aka Pappa Surf - Thanks Rich!

Track list:

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