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Stories with tag: "mr-smith"

New CDs from Sideprojects of THE RAZORBLADES!

While the Razorblades are taking a break from the road and work on their next album, Rob Razorblade aka Martin Schmidt is busy with side projects and studio work.

The first CD of MR.SMITH & THE JAZZ POLICE is out since March 1st, 2019!

Guitar jazz with some twang...

It's available in THE RAZORBLADES SHOP and on CDbaby

You can also stream on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and all the other sites.


Alos available is the first album of THE HOLLYWOOD GANGSTERS!

15 TV and movuie themes played in a twangy way – featuring Rob, Ralph, Rizzo and Mr. Lars Schurse

Also available in the shop and soon out on all the digital sites!
