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Stories with tag: "los-caballos-mas-oscuras"

Debut release from new Northern Irish surf/instro project Los Caballos Mas Oscuras

"Apache" - An edgy take on this classic, featuring duelling Stratocasters; one with tape-echo and reverb played through a cranked Fender Super Reverb combo and another soaked in Univibe blasted through a Marshall stack. Originally recorded last year to be released under the auspices of my Blues/Rock band of 11 years, The HardChargers who featured this song (alongside Misirlou, Rumble and Surf Rider in the setlist).

A few months back during the height of the Covid 19 situation, I decided to make a more solid commitment to the surf and instrumental music I love and release this under a new banner, 'Los Caballos Mas Oscuras' (The Darkest Horses). My plan is to start this off as a 'recording only' project for the time being as a way to simply enjoy recording surf/instro tunes I love and enjoy creatively arranging layers of guitar tones for each part of the song, with a view to eventually writing some originals and possibly playing live with a solid lineup.

Here's the BandCamp link for the project -