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Stories with tag: "agent:octopus"

New CD 'Bottoms Up!' From Agent:Octopus

Agent:Octopus is excited to announce the release of our debut CD

'Bottoms Up!' 8 tracks of melody-drenched, instrumental goodness. You can also see the boys at Unsteady Freddie's Surf Rock Shindig December 5th 2015 in Neeeew York City! 

Where can you get a copy, or just listen? 

Right here of course:

Or catch us on Clnt Beachwood's latest 'Day at the Beach' episode.

CD Cover


First single from Agent:Octopus available now!

Proud to announce the first single from the new Agent:Octopus CD is available for download.

Agent:Octopus? A group of seasoned Surf/Instro lovers embarking on a new and exciting project! Agents of the Atlantic Coast Surf sound, and more. Like us on FB, Love us on Bandcamp. Enjoy!