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The Surf Zombies 4th CD is out! It's a...THING!

The Surf Zombies are riding high on our new cd It's a....THING! It is currently available on cd with Deep Eddy Records and downloads. It was very fun to record. We spent a few months running through the material and playing it live before we gathered at Ian Williams studio and laid it down live to tape. We used only 7 channels to keep it as minimal as possible and it was a great experience. We have a new bass player named Trevor Treiber and he plays a Dano through an Ampeg. He really rocks! He mixes super hard hitting Ramones style with wicked odd riffs and brings his A game to every gig plus he is extremely prolific with writing new songs. He also plays in a band called The Blendours.

The Surf Zombies are working towards releasing It's a ...THING! on vinyl.

Check out our sampler video too!



This story has 1 comment.


That cover art totally screams Jack Davis! Awesome!

DepthCharger | 05-Mar-2014 04:51:13 | Flag

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