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Docteur Legume's new EP: 'FOUR TALES OF CHEMISTRY'

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Ladies & Gentlemen, Maison Meduse proudly present thenew Docteur Legume's EP "FOUR TALES OF CHEMISTRY."
As the title says, it collects the last four
'experiments' recorded between 2011 and 2013

You can download it FREE at the following link:

Any comment is welcome !

This story has 4 comments.


Awesome Sci-Fi Spy vs. Spy Surf & (if you will pardon the expression) Spaghetti Western tunes! Please tell us about your gear. I love the juxtaposition of clean and fuzz guitars with synth sounds.

JObeast | 22-May-2013 01:16:09 | Flag

Grazie JObeast, Spaghetti Western is just ok, I'm italian and proud of this Smile

The gear I used this time is: cheap drums and assorted percussions, my lovely Yamaha SGV300, 1960's Eko Mascot acoustic & Eko 500 bass, Pignose G40V tube amp, diy Fender Reverb, Farfisa Compact, Korg MS20 and other weird noise generators ... for the fuzz guitars I used a diy Fuzzrite

I recorded and mixed it all with Cubase and an outboard old Pioneer stereo tube reverb to add some analog breathing

doclegume | 22-May-2013 04:46:42 | Flag

Man, I love Doc's music! Massimiliano, you've done it again. Cheers!

josheboy | 22-May-2013 22:52:40 | Flag

Shock thank you!

petergunn | 22-May-2013 23:27:33 | Flag

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