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Paul Johnson & Martin Cilia Together Live!

Coming SOON: One of those “ya gotta be there” events...!

A rare and special So Cal appearance by AUSTRALIA’S #1 surf guitar star, MARTIN CILIA. Martin has been championing the surf sound down under as lead guitarist for the great Aussie surf band, THE ATLANTICS, and he is clearly one of the best $#&%*! surf guitarists to be found anywhere.

Now, for the very first time, Martin will be making musical waves here in California. There will be TWO local opportunities to catch his act — one in the LA area and one in Orange County — both featuring Martin playing with California surf guitarist Paul "Mr Moto" Johnson from the seminal surf group the BELAIRS.

Friday, March 9 in Hermosa Beach — at SUZY’S Bar & Grill (1141 Aviation Blvd, Hermosa Beach). Tix are a mere $8 at the door; show starts at 9 PM. Also on the bill: Banned from the Beach.

Sunday, March 11 in Huntington Beach — at Don the Beachcombers (16278 PCH). No cover; show starts around 6:30 in the “Dagger Bar.” Martin & Paul will be backed in this show by drummer Dusty Watson and bassist Matt Quilter. Come early for a casual “meet ‘n greet” with Martin, featuring a jam session with Matt Quilter and his “wave machine.” (Pre-show activities commence at around 5 pm; note: Don’s serves excellent food and drink.)

More about Martin:

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there with bells on

bigtikidude | 06-Mar-2012 21:53:36 | Flag

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