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The Coconauts Get Coco-naughty!!!

Album Cover

The Coconauts are releasing their long-awaited debut album: Get Coco-naughty! on Deep Eddy Records! Reserve your copy today at Deep Eddy Records!


This story has 6 comments.


Go ahead and buy it. You know you want to. Be naughty one more time. Who'se counting? You'll enjoy it.

Noel | 06-Feb-2012 20:50:15 | Flag


Matt22 | 06-Feb-2012 22:35:35 | Flag

Now available for limited download:

Matt22 | 11-Feb-2012 11:49:41 | Flag

As someone who dresses up like a rabbi, I declare this CD to be trad kosher. Really cool vintage vibe - Mazel tov!

MelWaldorf | 13-Feb-2012 13:05:52 | Flag

Thanks Mel!

Matt22 | 13-Feb-2012 16:49:06 | Flag

Oy, I forgot to include the details of the album for all the gear guys. The lead guitar, (rhythm guitar), and amps are listed next to the tracks as well as who played what. I play a vintage '65 Jazzmaster, AVRI Jaguar, and a 62 Strat reissue with Duncan antiquity II pickups. Tom plays a vintage '69 Mustang and his Jazzmaster.

The Coconauts Get Coco-naughty!

  1. Double O Coco (Tom Armstrong) Tom lead-Mustang (JM)
  2. Three Guitars (traditional) Matt lead-Jazzmaster (Mustang)
  3. Coco au Go Go (Matt Lentz) Matt lead-Jazzmaster (Mustang)
  4. Space Ghost (Tom Armstrong) Tom lead-Mustang (JM)
  5. Over the Rainbow (Harold Arlen) Matt lead-Jazzmaster (Mustang)
  6. The Lonely Coconaut (Matt Lentz) Matt lead-Jaguar Texotica (Mustang)
  7. Amapola (Jose Maria LaCalle Garcia) Matt lead-Jazzmaster (Mustang)
  8. Blue Hawaii (Leo Robin, Ralph Rainger) Tom lead-Mustang (Strat)
  9. Papu A ‘O ‘Ewa (Pearly Shells) –traditional Matt lead-Jazzmaster (Mustang)
  10. Coconaughty (Intoxica)- Robert Hafner Tom lead-Mustang (JM)
  11. She (Charles Aznavour) Matt lead-Strat (Mustang)
  12. Undertow (Matt Lentz) Matt lead-Jaguar Texotica (Tom-new Jazzy and Mustang)
  13. Return of the Death Ray (The Bomboras) Tom lead-Mustang (Strat)

Amps used: ’65 Princeton Reverb and ’65 Reissue Deluxe Reverb for guitars, Fender Bassman Ten for Bass

Reverb tanks used: ’66 Fender Reverb, Texotica Reverb, onboard reverb tanks.

David DeStefano plays a Fender Jaguar Bass exclusively

Matt22 | 13-Feb-2012 16:55:29 | Flag

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