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Please help promote the Brave New Surf compilation via our Kickstarter Campaign

SurfGuitar101 and Double Crown Records join forces to create new surf music promotional campaign.

As many of you probably have seen by now, a brand new compilation album is coming out - Brave New Surf. What you may not know is that the impetus behind this album is twofold. First, to present some of the very best surf bands playing today. Secondly, to use this compilation as a promotional tool to expose new audiences to this great music. Double Crown Records agreed to print up extra copies of the album with the sole purpose of sending them out to music reviewers, websites and magazines. But to do this will take extra funds. Packaging and postage costs add up quick, thus we came up with this Kickstarter project.

Please go to our Kickstarter page and check out all the premiums and make a donation if you can. Absolutely 100% of all funds donated will go towards the promotion of this record and if we're successful this may lead to more releases. If you can, share the project on all your social media and email all your friends. This is our big push to get surf music out into a more public consciousness and our success depends upon you.

Remember, there is a limited time for this campaign, it concludes on Friday Dec 9th, so we have to reach our goal by then.

This story has 4 comments.


Here's to reverb crashing on all 7 continents! ...or is it 6? or 5? or 4 continents? Whatever, may the promotion Surf spread far!

Fady | 26-Nov-2011 08:20:19 | Flag

Excellent idea. I highly recommend a directed facebook ad targeting the individual critics pages and the publications most critics frequent - pitchfork, etc. It is the most cost effective advertising out there.

SurferBill | 27-Nov-2011 08:02:54 | Flag

Wow, what a great response! Thanks everyone.

Brian | 27-Nov-2011 17:18:38 | Flag

Thanks for the tip Bill

DannySnyder | 27-Nov-2011 20:55:44 | Flag

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