12.20.2008. YOKOHAMA JAPAN
CHICCHI is 11 years old.
SALA is ten years old.
SALA has been one month since the lesson of the drums was started.
Her grandfather is teaching drumming.
It is a wonderful performance of CHICCHI and SALA.
Diamond head~Pipeline 'CHICCHI & SALA with BEAT POPS'
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I like the two, but half the time I've seen some one play in Japan in modern times, they wip her out.
I meant about CHicchi, never heard of the other girl.
What are you talking about?
Who cares who's better than anybody else? That these kids are playing surf music and doing it well speaks volumes. I, for one, am extremely happy to see kids playing instros no matter what level they're at. They are the ones that will keep this sound alive and both of these little girls are really great....already!!
Exactly Ron! This isn't a contest!
I never meant it as a contest. It just seems like they're always showing them off, which is understandable. I wish I played that well NOW. Practice, practice, practice.
The guitarist, Chi-Chi, is a lot better than I am. However, I do feel kind of weird for the same reason as Kman. The drummer had only been playing a month. I really hope this isn't for substantial profit/publicity and that it is for the fun of the kids. And it looks like she is having fun, so that is great. So let us hope that she really enjoys it and that it is her passion and what she wants to do with her time and in the future.
And Brian, we can make it a contest. Ryan has some young kids we can use. Although we had better ask first. Ryan, Brian wants to know if he can have your kids to start the SG101 army. Our first target is that young kid who is actually pretty atrocious at guitar and does really bad SRV covers.
I said "what are you talking about?" because you seem to imply there are others better than her, but then you proceed to post 2 links to more Chicchi videos.
I meant that they always seem to have her play whenever I have seen a modern surf band in Japan on Youtube videos. Just an opinion.
Then you aren't looking hard enough. Lookup Google-A, Surf Coasters, Jackie & The Cedrics, etc.
I do like the Surf Coasters, they're bassist is pretty cool.