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Surf Beat '23 by Los Grainders

NEW ARTIST SIGNING! Presenting... Mexico City's LOS GRAINDERS! We don't sign many bands to the MuSick label - yes, we're very picky - so when we do, it's a special thing. And Los Grainders are a very special band. Five young and extremely talented musicians from Ciudad De México, Los Grainders approach their love for surf music and instrumental rock with passion, drive and taste. The band's debut album "SURF BEAT '23" (a clever tribute to Jon & The Nightriders' seminal LP from 1980) has some of the most engaging and movin' surf instro music I have heard in ages. "SURF BEAT '23" is now available on Bandcamp where you can buy it and stream it digitally (it's also available on Spotify, Apple Music, etc). Songs like "Sharp Stone" with its intense and dramatic twists and turns, the dark yet beautiful "Santa Ana Winds," the hypnotic and groove-heavy "Deep Grotto," and the melodic and fetching ode to oceanic powers "Shell Pink," are some of the highlights on this brilliant debut album. For those who have to have physical records, we have teamed up with our friends at the TABU RECORDINGS label to co-release the vinyl LP version of "SURF BEAT '23" to be available in 2024 and we can't wait for that. In the meantime, give "SURF BEAT '23" a listen with the links below and dig the deep and reverb-filled sound of LOS GRAINDERS!
—Art Bourasseau
MuSick Recordings
Burbank, California

Listen & download here:

Donovan Dassaiev Patiño García (guitar)
Julio Emilio Jiménez Nava (guitar)
Hans Josuan Aquino Montesinos (guitar)
Brandon Martínez Coronel (bass)
Diego Loyola Hernández (drums)

Album cover art by Johnny Bartlett
Mastering by Bruce Kane (Space Cossacks, The Fathoms, Satan's Pilgrims, Evan Foster)


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