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New Halloween Single - Say Goodnight - The Me Gustas

Happy release day!

October is here and so is our first holiday release! Say Goodnight, our ode to Halloween, is now available on our very own Bandcamp page:

This is the single you need to kick off your spooky season in style. This was a fun project and we got to do some things we don't normally do, using different guitars, pedals and other instrumentation to capture the sound we wanted.

"Black Cat Crawl" is inspired by old Stray Cats tunes and "The Bell Witch" is our nod to Rob Zombie!! Yeah, we pull ideas from every where and hopefully we convey it through our tunes.

Anyway, enough blabbering on my part, now go listen to our latest creation, share it and we would love for you to buy it and add it to your collection! Thank you again for the support and encouragement. Be good all you fiends and ghouls, reverb, set, Say Goodnight!


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