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The Insanitizers
The Insanitizers

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Flying Guitars Launches

Just out: Flying Guitars by The Insanitizers. 20 songs, 57 minutes.
Now at CD Baby, and on Spotify and other streamers.

  1. Victory. Melodies about winning.
  2. Beyond Beyond. Blast off and accelerate. This song shreds picks.
  3. Another Shootout. A rock reinterpretation of our double award-winner.
  4. Run. Johnny Smith's said don't, so we replaced what he wrote.
  5. Flying Guitars. A melodious glide.
  6. At the Beach. Surf, then watch, then steam in the sun. Repeat.
  7. A Day in Tokyo. The hustling beat of Japan.
  8. Waterfall. Classic surf energy.
  9. Squid Squad. Stalking relentlessly.
  10. Solving the Puzzle. Mysterious and catchy.
  11. Bounty Hunter. A hint of spaghetti.
  12. Surfarian. Surfy Hungarian. Bridge duet.
  13. Crossings. Rhythm guitar pattern crosses behind tic lead.
  14. Spring Ceremonial. Melodic fingerstyle variation on Pachelbel, accompanied.
  15. Turkish Round. Mozart's speedy melody, our accompaniment.
  16. Parade of the Cowboys. Rodeo trickery.
  17. Danger Frog. Hops with gold chains & gun. Changing beats/measure with steady bpm.
  18. Disappearance. Improvised middle section.
  19. Skinny Surfing. Buddy H. groove ca. 1960.
  20. The Other Spy. The double stop riff sprains fingers.


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