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THE RAZORBLADES - 15 Years In The Van EP Out Now!

It’s the 15th anniversary of THE RAZORBLADES!

For your entertainment, we release a 7 track with EP with some songs from our favourite bands played in THE RAZORBLADES style. Tracks from the Cure, Slade, Ludwig Van Beethoven, and a few others.

The album called 15 YEARS IN THE VAN comes in a stylish foldout cover in 7’’ vinyl style, along with the very first sticker from THE RAZORBLADES and the classic skull button in military green.


It's a limited fans only release and will only be available on our website at the shows and a few selected mailorders…no Spotify, iTunes or Amazon.

Order it for 10 €

As a special offer, you can order any other item along with the new EP and get it for 20 €…wether it’s a T-Shirt, a CD, a Vinyl LP… Just use the new EP + something else button in the webshop.


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