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Announcing the 8th Annual SurfGuitar101 Convention!

We are pleased to announce that the 8th Annual SurfGuitar101 Convention will be taking place on Saturday, August 8th, 9am to 8pm, at the Garden Grove Elks Lodge in Garden Grove, California! Please note the venue change this year!

Once again we have assembled an amazing lineup and have continued our tradition of hosting international bands. This year we have the incredible King of Fuzz Guitar, Davie Allan, celebrating the 50th year of his musical career! We have two bands from Spain: The Longboards and Els A-phonics (who knocked them dead at the Surfer Joe Festival in June). Also on the bill are California legends The Eliminators, the young and brash traditionalists The Volcanics, and the new hotrod surf band Boss Fink (featuring members of The Ghastly Ones and the Huntington Cads). Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia we have the progressive instrumental band Moonbase. From a time and place unknown we have the sci-fi stylings of The TomorrowMen. And it wouldn’t be a true surf guitar convention without the legendary Paul “Mr. Moto” Johnson of the groundbreaking 60’s band The Belairs. Finally we have an all-star tribute to Jim Messina and The Jesters featuring John Blair (Jon & The Nightriders) and Ivan Pongracic (The Space Cossacks, The Madeira).

Also new this year will be a live broadcast and stream courtesy of KFJC and Cousin Mary! KFJC will be broadcasting on 89.7 FM in the Los Altos Hills area as well as streaming audio and video on the ‘net at!

Be sure to get there early for the SG101 members jam (see the links below to sign up).

Once again here is the lineup followed by the venue details:

  • Davie Allan and the Arrows (50th Anniversary show) (USA)
  • The Eliminators (USA/So. Cal.)
  • Els A-phonics (Spain)
  • The Longboards (Spain)
  • The Volcanics (USA/So. Cal.)
  • The TomorrowMen (USA/Nor. Cal.)
  • Boss Fink (USA/So. Cal.)
  • MoonBase (USA/Atlanta, Ga.)
  • Paul Johnson and Friends
  • Jim Messina and the Jesters Tribute
  • SG101 Member’s Jam

Garden Grove Elks Lodge #1952
11551 Trask Avenue
Garden Grove, Ca. 92843
(714) 534-0226

Doors open at 9am, music begins at 10am and runs to 8pm. Cost is $30 at the door. The Elks Lodge is an all-ages, family friendly venue that will have food and beverage available all day!

In addition to the music we’ll have vendors selling surf music and surf related items. Check out these raffle items thanks to our generous sponsors:

  • An Eastwood Guitar
  • A Fender Strat courtesy of Paul "ColtsSurf" Wayne
  • A Nocturne guitar effects pedal
  • Items from Caveman Music, Dionysus Records, Double Crown Records
  • A DVD and T-Shirt from Reverb Junkies
  • CDs, shirts, and merchandise from the various bands
  • D'Addario Accessory Bundle
  • Surfy Bear FET Reverb Kit
  • Much, much more!

For more information please see these links:

As usual there will be plenty of amazing shows before and after the convention, including a convention after party and a Huntington Beach pier show the following day.

Saturday, August 1, 1pm: The Longboards, Brodaddy at Little Louis BBQ, 2455 Winchester Blvd, Campbell, CA,

Saturday, August 1, 7pm: The Longboards live on KFJC, 89.7 FM in Los Altos Hills, CA, and live streamed at

Sunday, August 2, 3pm: The Longboards, The TomorrowMen, The Neptunes, Forbidden Island, 1304 Lincoln Ave, Alameda CA,

Tuesday, August 4, 8pm: The Longboards, Fascinating Creatures of the Deep, The Crow’s Nest, 2218 E Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA,

Wednesday, August 5, 9pm: The Longboards, 3 Balls of Fire, The Tiki Creeps, The Redwood Bar & Grill, 316 W 2nd St, Downtown Los Angeles,

Thursday, August 6, 8pm: The Longboards, The Tomorrowmen, The Pike, 1836 E 4th St, Long Beach, CA,

Friday, August 7, 9pm: The Longboards, The TomorrowMen, Moonbase, Insect Surfers, The Purple Orchid, 221 Richmond St, El Segundo, CA

Friday, August 7, 9pm: The Phantom Surfers, Els A-phonics, The Ivy Room, 860 San Pablo Ave, Albany, CA

Saturday, August 8, 9pm, The Official SG101 Convention After Party w/Tikiyaki 5-0 and Los Venturas, Surf Dogs, 5932 Warner Ave, Huntington Beach, CA,

Sunday, August 9, 11am, The Reventlos, Jim Messina & His Jesters Tribute, Moonbase, The TomorrowMen, Els A-Phonics, Los Venturas, The Longboards, Huntington Beach Pier

Sunday, August 9, 7pm, The Official SG101 Convention Wind Down Party and Jam Session, Outerwave at 7pm, Jam session at 8pm, Surf Dogs, 5932 Warner Ave, Huntington Beach, CA,

Thursday, August 13, 9pm: The Phantom Surfers, Els A-phonics, The Unclaimed, Viva Cantina, 900 W Riverside Dr, Burbank, CA

Many thanks to our sponsors: Reverb Junkies, Double Crown Records, D’Addario, Dionysus Records, The Surf King Surfwear, Radio Free Bakersfield, MuSick Recordings, Eastwood Guitars, North Sea Surf Radio, The Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum, Kustom Deluxe, Surfer Joe Music Festival, Nocturne Pedals, KFJC 89.7 FM, Fiberglass Jungle, Green Cookie Records, Surfy Bear, Caveman Vintage Music, and Lee Joseph Reverberations Media.

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This story has 2 comments.


hello? anybody? Bueller, Bueller?

bigtikidude | 26-Jul-2015 11:23:44 | Flag

Wow! Fantastic line up! I can't wait! Wish I was going to be there this weekend instead of Next Thursday!

midwestsurfguy | 30-Jul-2015 20:59:20 | Flag

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