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The Blue Hawaiians Kickstarter

The time has cometh. The Blue Hawaiians have officially launched our ‪#‎Kickstarter‬ to fund the recording and distribution of our latest Surf-Rock-Noir-Exotica Christmas record! Join the Good Fight! Donate today! And if not, send it to three people you know, ask them to do the same. You, our fans, our friends, YOU ARE THE TIDE from which the WAVE IS BORN!

There are prizes, rewards, oh-you-bet! From Digital Downloads of the album to freshly minted vinyl pressings! From hanging with the band at Capitol Records to claiming the title of EXECUTIVE PRODUCER! From custom surfboards to standup-paddle boards! From signed posters to signed records to signed...we'll sign anything! From your baby (crying in the crib) to your BABY (hanging from your arm)! And-oh-so-much-more...

The time has cometh. The next record. Become a part of the coolest Christmas release this side of the 21st Century.

This story has 3 comments.


Good luck guys!

bigtikidude | 27-May-2015 12:00:45 | Flag

This project deserves your attention and consideration: worthy! Yes

dp | 29-May-2015 14:08:13 | Flag

I signed up as soon as I could. The record sounds like it will be a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to hearing it. I agree with dp: worthy! Yes Yes

Noel | 03-Jun-2015 07:14:48 | Flag

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