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New tracks from Les Vice Barons!

The notorious 90's Belgian instro wizards Les Vice Barons have just finished recording 4 brand new tracks.

This recent material including a boombastic cover of Kraftwerk's "Das Model" and a revamping of three of their most exquisite titles is on display on:

Now looking for a record label to issue them on vinyl...

This story has 4 comments.


Wow, great news. Very nice that you're back. The new tracks are fantastic(as all your stuff!). Welcome to SG101, Vince, nice to have you here!
Waiting for the vinyl! Cool

UKAY54 | 11-Apr-2015 09:29:07 | Flag

Yesss! Vice Barons are back, like it!

Checked the bandcamp. Want the 7" for sure, in what Belgian store available?

Your raritease vinyl album is waiting to be reissued! Wink

Cheers, hear you soon!

LosVenturas | 12-Apr-2015 14:59:42 | Flag

this is one of the greatest surf bands in my book, so much soul and vibe with an absence of metal skool wanging! I own all your Les Vice Barons recordings Vince! When I shoot metal flake for my guitar pedals I have your music, the dynotones and the ghastly ones cranked.
Guitar Guitar

TVTheWiredTurtle | 07-May-2015 16:53:20 | Flag

..I forgot to add that you guys, bambi molesters and el ray have really given a new appeal to surf music to a younger generation!

TVTheWiredTurtle | 07-May-2015 17:00:16 | Flag

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