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Surfana CD "Whatever" is now available!

As of November 2014, the Surfana CD "Whatever" of surf covers of Nirvana songs is available.

Track listing:

  1. Smells Like Teen Spirit
  2. Heart-Shaped Box
  3. About A Girl
  4. Polly
  5. Aneurysm
  6. Lithium
  7. Dumb
  8. Come As You Are
  9. Sliver
  10. Drain You
  11. Rape Me
  12. Territorial Pissings
  13. All Apologies


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To order, contact or follow the links on our Jango or Facebook page.

This story has 2 comments.



I do not want to hurt the musicians but:
Hm... I do not understand this music...
For me this sounds totally boring... and embarassing...

For me this is the same like playing horrible 80`s music in surf style. I do not need it at all...

My opinion.

HallmarkSweptWinger | 26-Mar-2015 08:11:30 | Flag

Well here's another angle- I'll be producing my version of Heart Shaped Box on my Ohio themed album "Ohio Shaped Heart". Exactly. Title track. Sooooooooooooo... I've not been able to listen Surfana's version due to wonky computer issues and I think I'll just leave it at that. The 2 versions can spring whole from our respective minds/amps and we'll have fun comparing them later.

Also- I found Nirvana a breath of air in a very dismal music scene when was it- 1990 that I heard Teen Spirit? I remember I was in my car pulling away from my apartment and pulled over to listen cause that little voice in my head that never goes away was saying "Hey buddy, give this a listen, something's going on".

I always listen to the voices.

Syndicateofsurf | 02-Apr-2015 13:27:04 | Flag

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