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Pollo del Mar- SoCal Tour dates, Starbucks, the Sunday Surf Party returns

Hi Pollo fans, An update from the PDM world...

This Wednesday we head to SoCal for 5 shows- Marina del Rey, Pioneertown (hot!), San Diego, Los Angeles and Huntington Beach. If you are in SoCal, please check the PDM gigs page for details.

This summer, Starbucks has released a collection of surf music called "Big Waves". It has an excellent collection of vintage surf, but the last third of the CD is devoted to modern surf bands like The Mermen, Laika and the Cosmonauts and... Pollo del Mar. Wow! Check it out at a Starbuck's near you, or follow this link.

The Sunday Surf Party returns to The Hotel Utah in September and October! On 9/16 The Lava Rats open the show, followed by the return of Daikaiju (Alabama's monster surf band). Then, to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the release of "The Ocean Is Not for Cowards" Pollo Del Mar will play that album, in it's entirety. (We haven't played some of those songs in years.) On 10/21, Slacktone returns to the Bay Area. Opening will be an excellent new band The Tomorrowmen, followed by The Pyronauts and PDM. More news on that show as the date gets closer.

And finally, The Beach Chalet has been asking bands to "turn it down", so we have been performing our monthly show there- without a drummer. I know, what is surf music without drums? Much quieter for one thing, but it seems to work well. Check the gigs page for "Skinless Pollo" show dates.

Thanks! Pollo Del Mar

The Swamp Coolers & The Surfside IV from

Tiki Lounge Party Enchants Downtown Phoenix

The sandy specter of our own beloved surf music legacy reared its tiki-carved head in downtown Phoenix on Wednesday night, July 25, as Fender co-sponsored what will hopefully not be the last Tiki Lounge Party.

Though miles from any ocean, popular Phoenix nightspot the Rhythm Room echoed with the kind of reverb-drenched sonic SoCal bliss that could only come from Candy Apple Red Jaguar and Jazzmaster guitars plugged into Dual Showman and Twin reverb amps. A couple hundred guests swilled rum punch as hot rods filled the parking lot, where a live tiki-carving demo (involving, um, chain saws) was under way. Cowabunga, dude …

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

Los Straitjackets Drums For Sale!

This just in from the Los Straitjackets Yahoo Group. Teen Beat is selling a drum kit! He writes:

Well once again I'm gonna be selling a set of drums that I used on the last few tours and on Conan O'Brien.  They are the set built for me by SJC drums in Dudley Mass.  The finish is silver glass glitter, and has a light up bass drum.  The drums are in very nice shape, I'm selling them because I'm planning on ordering a new set.  Too many drums and not enough room!  So if anyone is interested contact me... I'm asking $1800.00 for the (4) drums.  22x14 bass/ 16x16 floor tom/ 13x9 tom/ 14x7 snare.
Thanks and hope to see you on the road!

Contact Jason at  jsmay at

Announcing Surf Nights on the Oregon Coast

Surf bands are always looking for one more friendly venue to share their love of the genre. A new bar on the Oregon Coast is the latest such venue. Aunt Mary's Toaster Bistro, in Lincoln City, has announced they would like to have a Surf Night once every other month starting in October. Any local Oregon bands or surf bands traveling through Oregon are welcome to play a Surf Night at Aunt Mary's. There is a possibility that Surf Nights at Aunt Mary's could become a monthly event. The key factor being how many surf bands are interested in playing on the coast.
If you are planning a tour that brings you through Oregon, or your an Oregon band and you are interested in playing at Aunt Mary's there are just a few things to remember:
  1. Surf Nights will be every other month
  2. Shows will be on either Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights
  3. Bands will be paid with ALL of the door money, bands well be fed and you get all the PBR you can drink!
Our band has played this venue a number of times, The owner is real nice, She is a wonderful cook and she advertises all her shows very well. It is a very unique venue and the crowds are always friendly. I am running Surf Nights for Aunt Mary's toaster Bistro. If you are interested in playing just get a hold of me here on surfguitar101 or on myspace under retroactivegammarays. I hope to set up a lot of shows for Aunt Mary's with you're help.

Martin Cilia ''Revenge of the Surf Guitar''

Revenge of The Surf GuitarMartin Cilia, the lead guitar player in the current lineup of The Atlantics (the ground breaking first wave Australian band) has a new album called "Revenge of The Surf Guitar". Check out his myspace page to listen to some tracks and purchase the CD.

From his myspace page:

"1963 was a big year for instrumental guitar music, particularly surf music. This was the year that found Pipeline by The Chanteys, Wipeout by The Surfaris, Bombora by The Atlantics, Dance On & Foot Tapper by The Shadows all on the "hit parade".

This was popular music. That was until The Beatles arrived. However, I’ve always loved the sound of the surf guitar and this is my tribute to that music.

The guitars and amps I used on this recording were a 1963 Fender Jaguar (black), a 1963 Fender Stratocaster (candy apple red), a 1963 Fender Vibroverb (2 x 10" speakers) and a 1963 Fender Outboard Reverb Tank. All of these instruments just happen to be from 1963. This was not planned. It just worked out that way because they all had a unique sound that attracted me to them. I played the Fender Jaguar on 95% of this CD. This is the first time that I had played a Jaguar and discovered an amazing sound.

So here is a little 1963 "Revenge of the Surf Guitar". I hope you enjoy what you hear."

New Instro CD from Terry 'Buffalo' Ware

"Reverb Confidential"
Terry "Buffalo" Ware

Pipeline Magazine #74 Now Available

I just received all the way from jolly old England the latest version of Pipeline Instrumental Review, #74. I am very impressed with each issue of this magazine, which has been published about 4 times a year since 1989. In this issue is a featured "Ventures vs. Shadows" article, in which they compare, track by track, all common songs from each group's massive catalogs! Very interesting! There is a lengthy article on the Pipeline 2007 convention and the bands that played there. And finally, what Pipeline is famous for, the detailed review section. In this issue they cover releases from SG101 member bands and favorites The Aquasonics, The Mel-Tones, The Thunderchiefs, Los Twang Marvels, and El Ray. Also reviewed are the recent Dick Dale Sundazed releases, The Crimson Ghosts, a Crossfires/Jesters CD-R, Duane Eddy, I Fantomatici, The Spotnicks, and of course The Shadows.

Highly recommended!


Live from the Mystic Theatre featuring Dusty Watson can now be purchased online!

Follow the link, and buy buy buy!!!

Online Interview with TFJ From The Nebulas

Check out this interview with TooFastJim of The Nebulas in the Boston based webzine Idle Hands Art!

So which Nebula is getting married?

Los Straitjackets on NPR's World Cafe

You can now listen to Los Straitjackets on National Public Radio's World Cafe. Follow this link and click on the red Listen button to hear a very interesting interview and some great music!