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Archive for July, 2023

The Return of Buzzy Frets

New CD Release:
The Return of Buzzy Frets
July, 2023

It’s been a while but for Buzzy Frets’s second record they have turned up the reverb to 11 and devoted an entire album to surf-drenched sounds (minus one rockabilly tune).

Emerging from the depths of the Bay Area music scene in the late 1990s, Buzzy Frets first CD (simply titled Buzzy Frets) was a blend of surf, rockabilly, blues, and funk instrumentals that combined brilliant musicianship with crafty writing skills.

For The Return of Buzzy Frets surf gets front and center. The guys have shuffled between classic surf tunes, such as “Apache” and “Walk Don’t Run” (played with a twist!), and rambunctious originals such as “Hydrofoil" and “El Chupacabra.”

There is a distinct spy/noir feel running throughout the recording with songs like, “The Pink Panther Theme,” “A Shot in the Dark,””Kiss me Deadly,” and “The Third Man Theme.”

Available from:

Northern Tides new EP, Wrong Orange County

Northern Tides' new 6-song EP, Wrong Orange County , is out now! Please give it a listen here: Link


From Atlantis with Love - NEW Agent Octopus EP now on Bandcamp

Now available on Bandcamp! - From Atlantis with Love



Just in time for your trip to the sunny July beaches as you catch waves and listen to surf! Our newest 4 song EP From Atlantis with Love engages a slightly heavier, but always reverb soaked melodic sound! Available on Spotify and other digital platforms soon.

Featuring Chloe Mendola on cello (Silver Surfer: Redemption our surf "anthem")

Chuck Sabo on Drums
Jim Colby (Jim & the Sea Dragons) on bass and guitars
Art Svrjcek on guitars

Agent Octopus-
The Indie Surf Band on a clandestine operation to infiltrate the surf music realm and entrap its zealots with their euro-melodic, reverb soaked sound!

Our new EP From Atlantis with Love finds the Agents battling the sinister Kraken and his tube monster minions to save the underwater village of Kitezh which had remained hidden for over two centuries! In the midst of hand to hand combat with the Kraken, Rusalka is able to fire the Octo-sign alerting the Agents of the enemy's position. The Agents surf to her aid, but will they be in time???

Art S

A New Frenchy Surf Music Producer...

Hello Friends

New member on this wonderfull site, I Purpose links to my music here :

I've discovered Surf Music During the first lockdown in France, and composed my first titles in this style to forget the time... Never left this so positive and humoristic music since Smile

Bonjour à tous les amoureux de la Surf Music, d'ici en France.