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Archive for June, 2011

The TomorrowMen record release show June 18

TomorrowMen Poster

The TomorrowMen are proud to offically announce our CD release party and show on June 18th at The Hotel Utah in San Francisco. It was a long time coming - the band has been together 5 years (give or take a few thousand) and we are incredibly excited that this CD is finally completed.

It's jam packed with lots of your favorite Tmen songs painstakingly produced and recorded in 4-D sound by Pollo Del Mar's Ferenc Dobronyi, who just happens to be playing at the show with us, along with our good friends Blammos!

This is a rare Saturday night show at The Hotel Utah, 21+ and $10 to get in. Hope to see you!

If this isn't reason enough to come, Lady Reverb and I are also celebrating our 25th anniversary! Don't buy us anything, just come on down and bring your friends and  buy the brand new CD "It's About Time!

-Mycroft Eloi aka Danny Snyder

PS: Go here to hear some previews from the record

The Tornadoes will play during classic car show in downtown Redlands

Catch a wave of surf music, featuring Redlands’ own Tornadoes, as well as classic cars, and lots of fun during Surfin’ State Street from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, June 10.

The Tornadoes will take the stage at Ed Hales Park. Nationally recognized for their 1962 song, “Bustin’ Surfboards,” the country’s first instrumental surf hit and later featured in the Quentin Tarantino movie, “Pulp Fiction,” The Tornadoes are celebrating 50 years performing together.

Kent Crowley, author of “Surf Beat: Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Forgotten Revolution,” will be on hand to sign copies of his book. “Surf Beat” features The Tornadoes first album cover on the jacket.

Surfin’ State Street will feature a free classic car show, between Fifth and Seventh streets. Car owners are invited to bring their classic cars, muscle cars, cruisers, hot rods, Nomads and Woodies. Trophies will be awarded for the overall Top Five vehicles and one trophy will be awarded for the best theme. For more information about the car show, call (909) 969-8776.

The City of Redlands is off Interstate 10 about 45 minutes west of Los Angeles and 45 minutes east of Palm Springs. Surfin’ State Street is sponsored by the Downtown Redlands Business Association. For more information, call (909) 798-7629.

City of Redlands press releases and other information are available on the City’s Facebook page at or on the City’s website at

Deep Water: How to Get the Classic Surf Guitar Sound by Dave Wronksi

Ever wondered how to nail the surf guitar sound? Is it the gear? Is it the technique? Is it a combination of both and of the attitude of the player, also? Dave Wronski (guitarist extraordinaire of surf monsters Slacktone and previously of the legendary Jon & The Nightriders) lays out the basic recipe over at Guitar World's blog in the informative entry entitled Deep Water: How to Get the Classic Surf Guitar Sound.

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

Martin Cilia presents: SURF, SUN & SEA in Melbourne

Martin Cilia, Australia's premier surf rock guitarist and also member of legendary Australian surf band, The Atlantics is making the trip down from Sydney to Melbourne to play some surf guitar to warm up the traditional Melbourne winter.

He has taken a step into the solo spotlight with the release of two solo albums with a third album “Surfersaurus” released in June 2011.  Martin and his band draw songs from the Atlantics repertoire, including the classic "Bombora" as well as tunes from his solo albums.

Grab your Hawaiian shirts and sunnies and head on down to Spensers Live 419 Spencer Street, West Melbourne on Saturday 11th June 2011. Doors open 7.30pm. Band starts 8.30pm.

Tickets available through Moshtix

More info:
