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Archive for February, 2011

Phantom Surfers in Argentina March 18 and 19th

For any one who has been asking when we are playing, and there are not many of you, here ya go.

For these shows, we will be playing the hits of Carlos Garde, Argentinas Tango maestrol, with a surprise appearance by Gauchito Gil.

Mel Phantom Surfers

The Really Rottens Surf-Trash-Au-Go-Go!!!! Free Songs!

New surf band straight out of Austin Texas - hope you guys dig it!

The Really Rottens

Free downloads

Outlandos Del Mar at Columbine Lounge-3/2/11

ODM will be playing at Columbine Lounge & Restaurant  on Wed. 3/2/11 from 7:30-8:30 pm.  CL&R is located at 7660 S Pierce, Littleton, CO.

Hope to see you there.


SG101 2.0 Is Nigh: Site Upgrade Notice

Dear SG101 Peeps -

As we approach the 5 year anniversary of the interactive version of this website, some changes are blowing in with the rising surf. As many of you know, I've been working (on and off) for almost 2 years on a new version of this dear website. The time has come to "go live" with this new software and new design. That time is tentatively going to be this coming weekend, starting on Friday, February 25th.

Most of the content we currently have here will follow us to the new site: user accounts, news stories, our Web links database, and our massive collection of forum posts. You won't need to re-register or anything like that, your current user name and password combination will continue to work.

Stuff I am not bringing over, at least right away: photo of the day, member map, calendar entries, avatars, and private messages. If you have some information in your private messages you want to keep, please save it yourself manually. You have been warned (although I do apologize for the short notice).

Since I'm just an amateur Web developer, and only one man, I have no idea what is going to go wrong during this process. I expect the site to go down sometime Friday morning for two to five hours. Depending on how things go, this may stretch into a day or even days. Please bear with me during this process. Play some guitar or listen to some great surf music. If you'd like to keep up on the progress, please check the @SurfGuitar101 twitter feed, or pop into IRC (I'll be there, swearing and panicking, most likely).

The current site has served us well, but it is very creaky and tedious to keep running. The new site will allow me to provide many more features for the SG101 community. I hope it will be worth the long wait.

Please discuss the upcoming transition in this forum thread.

Thanks in advance for your patience!

Kickstart The Coffin Daggers Second LP

Victor from the Coffin Daggers writes:

So we’ve finally finished recording and mixing our second album. We’re planning on a vinyl, CD, and digital release, but releasing records is expensive. We need help putting it out, so we’ve started a Kickstarter campaign to try and raise the money for mastering and pressing. We’re offering lots of great rewards including album credit, cd’s, and lot’s of other good stuff. Check out our Kickstarter Page!

Lost in Paradise #11: The Eddie Bertrand Benefit

Check out this great video, "Lost in Paradise #11", which covers the Eddie Bertrand benefit show that took place on Saturday, February 5th, 2011, at Don the Beachcombers in Huntington Beach, CA. The video has highlights of the bands that played and quick interviews with some of the people involved.

The Beechwoods - Party Time Discotheque CD Now!

Image Whether you like to Twist, Shake, Shimmy, Shout or Slop, the Beechwoods have got the beat for you. These four fine young men from Burbank, California were already favorites at the Sigma Pi fraternity house when they were still in high school. The girls can’t get enough of the Beechwood sound with that frantic beat that’s been known to whip hips from study hall to the dance hall. With Party Time Discotheque, their first full-length CD, the Beechwoods will keep your hands clapping and your soul singing.


Beechwood Beat – (They Call Me) The Late Bloomer – Don’t Monkey With Me – The Sultan – Tight Spot – It’s Party Time! – I Met A Girl From Pluto – A Little Soul (Part 1) – Jackpot! – Rick’s Drums

BONUS: For folks that order direct from Double Crown we will e-mail you an exclusive bonus track!

The Beechwoods – Party Time Discotheque CD – DCCD40 – $12.75

Insect Surfers to play Spaghetti Western Festival!

FlyerThe Insect Surfers will appear at the First Los Angeles Spaghetti Western Festival on March 19th at the El Portal Theatre in North Hollywood, CA.  The festival will be an all-day celebration of spaghetti westerns, with films, live music and special guests. The Insect Surfers will close out the festival (and no doubt bring down the house) with an instrumental tribute to Ennio Morricone's Spaghetti Western themes. For more info, visit