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Archive for September, 2009

RA/OE's New Album Available For Sale via Web

Robbie Allen and The Outer Edge released "Lost In The Sweep" on the weekend of September 11th followed a quick mini-tour of the SF Bay Area. The CD is now available via the band's website. Brand new original tracks (12 in all) incorporating the instro/surf guitar styles we all know and love.
The album features some of the new songs the band has been highlighting at their shows over the past 6 months that some of you have been asking about such as Sonar Ghost, Tormented Victory, Namazu's Revenge, Hazel Dayz, and Sad Day In The Waves.

Go to and click on 'Records' to order a copy. Only $9.99 plus shipping.

OUTERWAVE at Don the Beachcomber's Sept. 26th

Outewave will be playing at Don the Beachcomber's in Sunset Beach, CA Saturday Sept. 26th 9:00 p.m. til midnight in the Dagger Bar.  Come check out the new and improved line up with Mac on guitar, Allen moves from bass to guitar, Tony on drums and Jeff Isles on bass.  Very hot and rockin' surf music.

Don's is located at 16278 Pacific Coast Highway in Sunset Beach just north of Huntington Beach.

Hope to see you there!


Surfin' Sundays 2009 Grand Finale

Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum Presents:

“FREE” Surfin’ Sundays Season Grand Finale Concert & Book Signing

Date: Sunday September 20th, 2009

Time: 12:00 Noon to 4:00 Pm

This concert is dedicated to HBISM Founder Natalie Kotsch, Guitar Legend Dick Dale and HBISM volunteer John Miller.  We are proud of all of you valiantly fighting to beat the odds against cancer.

Our theme this year is "Before There Was Surf" exploring all the great music that laid the foundation for the music we know and love. You'll get first-hand accounts and performances by some of the folks that created surf music, plus all the great songs that first inspired them to play.  This year's show will be an unforgettable afternoon of music, history, jamming and fun featuring an incredible array of talent:

On Drums:  Bob Colwell (Dave Myers and the Surftones, Trademarks), Tracy Longstreth (Rhythm Rockers), Lee Kix (Reventlos), Bob Welch (The Chantays), Doug Harlow (The Eliminators)

On Saxophone:   Jim Frias (Nocturnes) & Armon Frank (Surfmen, Dick Dale)

On Guitars:  Paul Johnson (Belairs, Surfaris), Bob Spickard (The Chantays), Gil Orr (The Chantays, Duo-Tones), Barry Rillera (Dick Dale, Trademarks, Rillera Brothers Band), John Blair (Jon & the Nightriders), Ron Eglit (Dick Dale, Surfaris), Matt Quilter (Reventlos)

Keyboards: Kerry Chester (Dick Dale, Dead Men Don't Surf)

Bass: John Benton (Lively Ones) & Jeff Hanson (Big Tiki Dude)

In 2005 we featured “Pounding Surf DVD Promotional Concert” at HBISM for the first time to a live audience.  Released in 2008 this DVD is entertaining, educational and includes the history of instrumental surf music from interviews with legends such as Dick Dale, Paul Johnson, Bob Spickard & Richard Delvy. 

Pounding Surf! DVD’s will be on sale at a special rate during this show only.

SPECIAL GUEST:   Please join Champion Surfer Mike Hynson for a book signing of his newly published autobiography, “Mike Hynson – Transcendental Memories of a Surf Rebel” appearing inside the museum during this concert.

We invite you to join us in celebration of 13 years of great music, from dedicated musicians who donate their precious time in support of the museum. Our concerts feature oldies but goodies and promising newcomers as well as celebrities like Dick Dale, Dean Torrence & John Blair who just happen to drop in.

We have shade pop-ups but the chairs are limited, so we encourage you to bring your own. 

Location: 411 Olive Ave Huntington Beach 92648

HBISM Phone: 714-960-3483    

Check our website for the complete schedule and information.

RA/OE CD Release This Weekend

Finally wrapped up the final masters for the new album "Lost In The Sweep" and decided to release the CD this week in time for our little tour. We've added an extra show on Saturday. We should have plenty of copies of the new disc on hand! Show info below:

September 12th - 12:00 PM
Jessie's Grove - Surf Party
1973 W Turner Rd
Lodi, CA 95242

This show is an addition to the shows already booked for this weekend. We are atill playing in Napa on Friday, Isleton Saturday night, and San Francisco on Sunday.


RA/OE, Bay Area Next Weekend

Hello, just checking into let everyone know that Robbie Allen and The Outer Edge will be playing three shows on the weekend on Sept. 11th. Here is the schedule below. Doing our part to keep those surfy tones pulsing through people's ears all over the West Coast!

9/11 - 9:00 PM Downtown Joe's 902 Main St. Napa, CA 94559

9/12 - 9:00 PM Happy Harbor Marina 731 W Brannan Rd Isleton, CA 95641 (Near Antioch)

9/13 - 2:00 PM Beach Chalet 1000 Great Highway San Francisco, CA 94121

Slacktone European Dates for September, 2009

Slacktone is hitting Europe in September, playing in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, and The Netherlands! Check out the Slacktone gig page for more info.

Announcing the SG101 2009 MP3 Compilation!

I am pleased to announce the SurfGuitar101 2009 MP3 Compilation! Our 5th one! Just like before, this is a way for all members to share music, recording tips, and to just have fun. The main emphasis is fun, so please send in an entry no matter what your skill level is. Here are the rules:
  1. You must be a member of this website to submit an mp3.
  2. You may submit only 1 mp3.
  3. The mp3 you submit must not have appeared on any "official" release before. Likewise, please don't submit anything that is destined for an official release in the future.
  4. The mp3 must be 8 MB in size or less.
  5. There is a good chance the comp will end up on Therefore, you must agree to their Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivatives) License for your mp3.
  6. The deadline for submitting an mp3 is Friday, December 18th, 2009.
I have created an Official 2009 MP3 Compilation Forum Thread. Please use that thread to discuss the compilation and to get information on how to submit an mp3. Please use that thread if you'd like to find a fellow member to work with on the project. With the magic of digital recording and the internet, remote collaborations are possible. Make your own virtual surf band! Let the comp begin!

Please check out our prior compilations if you haven't seen them already: 2005 2006 2007 2008.