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Archive for June, 2008

Dusty Watson talks to Dick Dale

Check this out! Super drummer Dusty Watson wrote a great conversation with Dick Dale feature in Inland Island Weekly.

Phantom Surfers live at Bordello, 8-2-2008





Los Kahunas ''6G15''

Here is a cool new video from Argentina's Los Kahunas: 6G15. Enjoy!

CD Review-Mister Neutron Nor'easter

 Nor’easter – Mister Neutron  -  2008 Deep Eddy Records

I’ll try to keep this brief…Put the top down, set the cruise control & hit the open road with Mister Neutron’s newest CD - Nor’easter. Here are my favorite picks and my thoughts on the latest Mister Neutron arrival…

Nor’easter opens with an acoustic duet by Damien Fanelli and guest Mike Caro performing The Big Island. This is an amazingly beautiful piece that shows off the depth of creativity of the composer. Thank you for breaking out of the Jersey barriers that so many seem to want to put around surf bands today.  I could definitely get used to this new type of composition from Damien. Mike Caro also makes an appearance on Vlad The Impaler adding an eerie sounding organ to the surf cocktail.

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Eliminators, Eddie Bertrand at Hermosa Beach Gateway Fountain Fundraiser

Help fund Hermosa’s Bronze fountain at the SW corner of PCH and Pier Avenue to celebrate our City’s Surfing Heritage. Please join us for the Event of the Season!!

Sangria Restaurant
68 Pier Avenue
Sunday June 29th
2 PM to 7 PM

Proceeds to Benefit:

Read more to see the event "postcard"...

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Pollo Del Mar song in MLB All-Star Game contest

Here's a nutty, chocolate-y piece of news. A few months ago, Pollo Del Mar was contacted by a guy who asked to use our version of "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" for a video contest he was entering. The contest is sponsored by Baby Ruth and the winner gets to lead the singing of said song during the 7th Inning stretch at the 2008 MLB All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium. Well our guy made it in the top 10 finalists, and is asking for your help winning. If you feel like it, check out the video and vote for him. Use a fake name, whatever... Here's the link: Baby Ruth Contest. And if you want to download the song for free: Take Me Out To the Ball Game.

Live on TV The Verbtones!!!

All ages no cover!
Click to view poster

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