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Archive for March, 2007

Cowabunga Ramblings with Randy Holden of The Fender IV

(Note: This article was originally posted to the Cowabunga Yahoo Group by Wavy aka psychodogger2001 on December 17, 2001. I thought this post was worth saving due to the scarce amount of information on The Fender IV and the great stories Randy tells. I've edited it slightly... - BN)

Alright, a couple of days ago I asked the leader of legendary surf-band Fender IV Randy Holden if he had some fun stories from the sixties (since there`s not very much stories about this band before outside an interview in Goldmine and on the Blue Cheer-webpage). It turned out he had quite some words to share, both about the music and band-life in general. He also said it was ok to share his stories with a bigger audience, so here it is: RAW and UNCENSORED; Days of the Fender IV.

Remember that this band originally hailed from the East-Coast, and moved all the way to California just to hope for a better, guitar music-friendlier crowd than the typical R&B-based stuff that was hot over in Baltimore.

I've put name tags in front of my questions so it`s hopefully gonna be easier to read. I've also tried to sort the topics, and leave out a couple of personal comments (not because they`re so doggone personal, but because they wouldn't make much sense in here). BUT; he jumps a little back and forth here and there, so it wasn't easy to really sort it. Also: this isn't an interview or an article, simply subjective considerations from one person in the year 2001 about something that happened almost 40 years ago. Thus, don't read it too scientifically, but take it for the good clean fun-stories they are. It`s quite massive, so perhaps you should print it out and read it on paper rather than on the screen...just a suggestion.

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

Calendar Updates

Hello all,

Just a quick announcement about a couple of changes to the event calendar. First, there is a new Javascript editor for entering event details. This should help folks out with adding links, lists, colors, and even smilies.   The editor works well on Windows machines with all browsers that I know of. Mac users might have to stick with Firefox for best results. If you have problems with the editor please let me know.

Second, there is a new "Email Event to Friend" feature. Drill down to view a single event on the calendar. There is a new link that will let you email a link to the event to a friend. Try it out and let me know what you think.


Site Upgrade Completed

The site upgrade seemed to go okay.  There are a couple of changes everyone should be aware of.

  • The chat feature has been temporarily disabled. There is a new version of that software available and I may install that a bit later.
  • The RSS feeds have improved. Also please note that the forums feed URL has changed. The old one will not work. Please use the new feed mentioned on the home page and/or in the footer of each page.
  • Uploading files to the downloads area is still disabled for now. I still need to do some housecleaning in that area.
  • There is a new javascript editor for submitting news stories. It should work for Mac users if you use Firefox!
  • There are probably some quirks and issues here and there. If you notice anything just let me know.

Site Software Upgrade - Outage Likely

Very soon now I'm going to upgrade the site software. This may result in a few hours of downtime. The upgrade may start as soon as this weekend or possibly next weekend. Thanks in advance for your patience.

The Surfites - Big Pounder CD With Pre-Release Bonus Track

We are excited to announce the upcoming release of the debut full-length CD by The Surfites, called Big Pounder. The disc is packed solid with great, original surf instrumentals.

The Surfites ( are a gang of landlocked gremmies playing instrumental surf music in the old school style. Formed in 2003 by the two Fjellgren brothers of now defunct Swedish surf band the Daytonas. The Surfites are mainly a studio group with buddies Folke Bergkvist (bass), Henry Karlsson (piano/organ) and Gunnar Lindholm (drums) dropping by for the recording sessions. Klas and Jack Fjellgren play all the guitar parts and write the songs, as well as arranging and producing the recordings. The guys have just completed recording material for a debut album in their basement studio and the finished CD will be released on Double Crown Records on March 27th 2007. One of their songs, "Surfville", will appear on the upcoming Sazanami Records compilation Wild Sazanami Beat #4. Also, be sure to check out the Surfites on MySpace ( Cowabunga!

The Surfites - Big Pounder CD is now available for order with credit card and Paypal. If you order before the release date of March 27th you will receive a free bonus track called "Drag-U-La Beat" immediately. The CD will then be shipped to you on it's release date. If you are a subscriber to the Double Crown Music Club ( you can also get this free bonus track - just drop us a line for details (

To order, click on this link.


That's right, Grommets!! The Crackertones are recording a new record with some of the old stuff re-done and some new surf-rage rock and roll!! John's addiction to new equipment is awe inspiring and somewhat disturbing, but it seems to be working out well.

Also, Come see the Fury at Dante's on April 6th. We're playing with the Red Elvises

Until then, enjoy the current sounds, and remember, if your stick's got no dings, you ain't surfin!!

Breathe the Fury
Pray for surf

Damn..........(Josie Wilson and Bill Carson)

We have lost Josie Wilson and Bill Carson in the same month..........I can't think of anything to say. Thanks Josie for giving us all those wonderful early Ventures records. Thanks Bill for your part in making the Stratocaster the world's most popular guitar......eddie katcher

Pyronauts to play with everyone in the next month!

The Pyronauts will be performing with the following in the very near future:

Gary Hoey
Dusty Watson of Slacktone and Agent Orange
Pollo Del Mar, Mister Neutron, and The Barbwires
Red Elvises
The Duo-Tones

Check out for more info!

Still don't have Surf and Destroy? BUY IT NOW!

BTD: Satan's Pilgrims, Ghastly Ones, Mercury Four Feb. 2007

First off: DAMN!! It was cold up there. Not freezing, but not far off. Good thing I took plenty of warm clothes. Bill(Lava) and Kristena, and a few others said it was funny to see me not in my usual shorts and t-shirt.

After Kyle picked me up at the airport, we went to his house and he showed me his surf music collection, and his gear (Damn!!) that he had at his house. He said he had lots more at the in-laws, Double Damn. Around 4 pm we took off to go to Thatch. Its a new tiki bar, but has alot of old tiki decor that used to be in the Old Kon Tiki in Portland, then was in The Jasmine Tree (asian resturaunt), but is now in this new tiki bar, that just opened. Its got a great vibe of a old tiki bar because of the decor, but you can tell its a new business. We were only there for a short time, but the 2 drinks we got were perfect, (Mai Tai and a Trader Vics version of a Zombie) and the food that others had smelled great. Check it out if in the Portland area. Then we went over to the Alibi, for the annual pre show-meet up. There were between 20 and 30 surf and tiki people there for the gathering. Its always great to have some spare time before or after a show to talk to people in person that you usually only talk to over the net. So where ever you go, make plans to meet up before or after with others that will be there too. It helps to make it more of a friends/family vibe, than just people at a show.

There is more to this story, continue reading ...