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Archive for October, 2006

Surf Guitarist's A/B box

As the mostly rhythm guitarist in Meshugga Beach Party, I find myself often switching from heavy muted drip on single notes to light reverb for standard rhthym guitar playing or heavy reverb on lead guitar. This led to the problem of how to switch between the 2 settings consistently and quickly. Here's the answer:

Pic 1 Pic 2

I custom designed this A/B box and had it built by Anthony Gelona, a specialist in A/B boxes located in Egg Harbor City, NJ.

This was designed with my BF Pro Reverb in mind though it works fine with my Showman too. The A/B switches between a line to my outboard and a line directly into the amp. Both lines are then put in jacks 1 and 2 on my normal channel because my other channel is hot-rodded, though it would work just as well (if not better) split between the 2 channels.

The trick is to shut off the onboard reverb when the outboard is switched on. I accomplished this by tying the amp's reverb on/off switch to the same footswitch that activates the A/B.

When using my Showman with no built in reverb, I switch between my outboard and a reverb pedal.

I added a 'true bypass' loop and a separate switch for the onboard vibrato so as to consolidate my footswitching needs. The LED's really help too.

This thing is built like a tank and does exactly what I wanted. I go from playing chords on Hava Nagila to single note drip on Baja or lead on Misirlou with one press of the foot.

The Fin-Dicators are Fin-alists for the NY Dolls

Hello to Surfguitar 101-ians, I had no idea that Little Steven liked surf!!!! We have a chance to open for The NY Dolls if enough people vote for us.

At this link scroll down to select Atlantic City and vote for The Fin-Dicators, please!

There was a battle of the (garage) bands and I submitted our original surf rock song "Tangled Leash" and a picture of the band. Little Steven made all the choices and chose us as one of three for the Atlantic City, NJ gig. I need as many different logons as possible to vote for us. This is reaaaallllly big for surf rock exposure. Also vote for the Creepy Creeps in San Diego, I did. The voting will continue till November 2.

The gig date to open for The NY Dolls in November at Atlantic City is:
Friday, Nov 24th
Venue: Borgata
Location: Atlantic City, NJ
With: w/Supersuckers, Chesterfield Kings and more

That’s the Friday after Thanksgiving.
The Fin-Dicators website:


- Cliff Woodbeach

Unlimited Productions Releases Surfin' In The Midwest, Vol. 4


Dateline Omaha, NE
Unlimited Productions Releases Surfin' In The Midwest, Vol. 4
Phil Dirt

Unlimited Productions has just released the long-awaited fourth volume in their amazing Surfin' In The Midwest series. I had the pleasure of assisting on this one, and I'm very pleased with the outcome. Extensive liner notes as always, lots of pictures of bands, and more. This one is very clean as a result of extensive restoration of the source material. It's on 12 inch vinyl.

Those of you who have earlier volumes of this series know what it means to get another volume out. Volume one came across my radar one rainy afternoon at a little refuge in San Jose called Dedicated Record Collector. There is was, sitting quietly in the "new" bin. The artwork alone was worth the dinero, but a quick glance at the track listing and I knew I had to have it. Surfin' In The Midwest (Land Of The Ho-Dads) raised the bar for comps of dusty old singles.

The series has included so many magical surf obscuros that it's hard to under-value. Just look at the list of tracks before this volume.

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

Help Wanted: Need Battle of the Surfing Bands LP Covers!

Stephen McParland, author of the new book Surf Music U.S.A. (as announced in this story), has a request for all you surf fans out there. Stephen is writing a new book that will look at 30 surf and hot-rod LP covers, telling the story about them and the group responsible. He is trying to locate copies of the KPOI and KYA versions of Del-Fi's BATTLE OF THE SURFING BANDS LP. If you can help, please contact Stephen, and tell him SurfGuitar101 sent ya!

Kreepsville Manor Halloween Comp Out Now!


Friday Oct. 6th 2006

Kreepsville Industries the makers of 1313 Magazine "The Phantom Monster Show" is proud to present "The Spooky, Swingin' Sounds of Kreepsville Manor". A full length, 60 minute Halloween spook-tacular album in the same vein as the old monster records of the 60's and 70's. This is Kreepsville's first high concept release which is produced under their brand new mini monster music label "Headless Spectre Records".


Scream-along with 21 eerie recordings of ghastly monsters, howling winds, spooks, rattling chains, bloodcurdling screams, and all the other bone-shivering things that go bump in the night within the wall's of the old haunted house, known as "Kreepsville Manor"! The music part is great fun for Halloween shindig's or for listening alone in the dark. And the sound f/x part, is perfect to use as background sounds for your next spookhouse attraction. Frighten your fiends. A Halloween delight!

Featuring music by...The Legendary Invisible Men, The Fuzztones, Davie Allan and The Arrows, Psycho Charger, The Nebulas, The Vooduo, The Fiends, The 3-D Invisibles, The Hollywoods, Monsters from Mars, The Von Drats, Cult of the Psychic Fetus, The Worst, The Moon-Rays, and The Hangee V.

Plus, a tale of terror, and 3 bonus sound f/x!

The artwork was created by Belgium Pigsnoot and David Hartman who provided art for the disk and inside tray.

To purchase this gruesome goodie for $13.99 plus shipping lurk on over to CafePress.
Plus, don't forget to visit Kreepsville Industries.

"Live from the KFJC Surf Battle" Fundraiser CD


KFJC has put together a CD from last June's Surf Battle in San Francisco. Each band donated 2 live tracks, and the multimedia portion of the CD has a video of each band. Sales of the CD benefit KFJC.

Go here for more info.

Here is the official PR:

There is more to this story, continue reading ...