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Permalink Surf Band Names you'd like to see

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DannySnyder Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:08 pm Post subject:

Pappa_Surf wrote:
Hey, I just realized I'm a one star Hodad now instead of a Newbie.

Now I just have to decide if that's good or not.

A hodad is a pimp right? How did you guys find out about my purple suede fedora and matching boots?

Hodad a pimp? Hardly. You'd have to be a hodad to even think that

Just so that I don't appear to be a total hodad, it was just a play on words, "ho" + "dad" = Pimp.

I've been trying to get up to speed by doing lots of SG101 reading so I've read other threads debating the REAL meaning of Hodad, Gremmie, etc.

What do you think I am...a Hodad? Sheesh

(Homer Simpson scream) Shocked I AM a Hodad!/rich.derksen.7

Mom, I can't see your pic. Am I doing something wrong?


i don't know what happened to it. it was there and then it wasn't, so i put in a different one and it showed up in my preview and has disappeared again. it was nothing special, just a cartoon picture of dudley do right.


The Sharkteeth.
The Aquas.
The Majestics.
The Barracudas.
The Bajas.
The Longboards.
Hangin' Ten.
The Swordfish.
The Blue Marlins.

Hey, Nightrider. There have already been a few bands by these names. There apparently has been more than one band called The Majestics. I know there's a current band called The Longboards, who made a big impression at this past year's Surfguitar101 convention. Interesting thread to resurrect for your first post, though.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

There was also a Baracudas too, I believe they were a vocal surf band.


One of my all time faves

Bill S._______

The Intestones
The Snow Trolls
Bustin' Snowboards

Either you surf, or you fight.

Perpetrators; Album title Perpetration


Devvyls Advyl (biker music)

The Teleki Li!s &

The Deep Ones (HPL horror surf)

Real Gone Turks (orientalist surf)

The Mermaid Men

Los Mojitos (alcoholic surf)

Squink Out!

I like The Nebulizers JO! I work in the respiratory field and that would be great band name!

Either you surf, or you fight.

Nuclear Ray and the Glo-Tones?

Groovy Guitar


bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


Actually, Nebulizers and Deep Ones are already taken by non-surf bands. How about The Great Old Ones? (capitals are pronounced)

imafunkyman wrote:

I like The Nebulizers JO! I work in the respiratory field and that would be great band name!

Squink Out!

These were some ideas before we decided on MOONBASE:
The Sundowner Set
Pull of the Moon

And a fun one:
The SuperSoakers

The Squares - 1995-2002
The Mystery Men? - 2012-
MOONBASE - 2012-2017
The KBK - 2017-2022
The Frigidaires 2021-
Southern Surf Stomp!

Listening to Zappa today.
Dog Doo Snowcone

Either you surf, or you fight.

Working in hospice I developed a sense of black humor. Thus:

Sundowners (refers to irascibility of senile people in the evening)
The DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)
Advance Directive (same)

ChadShivers wrote:

These were some ideas before we decided on MOONBASE:
The Sundowner Set
Pull of the Moon

And a fun one:
The SuperSoakers

Squink Out!

Since I am from northeast Ohio and a Browns fan (it's tough), I think I'm going to call my new band:

The Billy Man-Zells

There's already a tshirt made for the band.


LOL! I love "The Intestones" by imafunkyman.

How about Son Byrne and the Liver Spots?

Shoggoth Otis & the Starry Wisdom Drippers

The Deep Ones and the Great Old Ones are already taken by non surf bands from San Diego and France, resp.

Squink Out!

Last edited: Jan 06, 2016 19:23:25

The Shakatones
The Sandalites
The Cryptonics or The Cryptonites

I can't believe no one thought of
the Red-bellied piranha's .

mitchvreed wrote:

Since I am from northeast Ohio and a Browns fan (it's tough), I think I'm going to call my new band:

The Billy Man-Zells

There's already a tshirt made for the band.


Sports analogy. Does not translate outside of Ohio. I don't support the Browns. Only the Browns fans. There there.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

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