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Permalink Surf Band Names you'd like to see

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One of the unique aspects of our muscial genre is the creative band names.

Let's hear your suggestions for band names from the absurd to the slightly-less-than-absurd and everything in-between. Or perhaps in your day, you've heard of a band name that was really "out there" that you would like to share (please, no more Swedish bands).

Either way, readers, beware that you should seek permission before using one of these names for your up-and-coming band...ya right!

Extra points for describing marketing material/costumes/makeup/etc.

PS Remember you _are _in the Shallow End!/rich.derksen.7

Surf Turf, a rap Surf band.

I'm joking.

I also like to think that all early 60's fender equipment is happy to be playing surf music again. After all, its the music it was meant to play.

I like "Lords of the New Surf," but it's been done.

So, how about "the Reefraffs"?

My Swedsh suggestion would be "the AquaVits," but I gather we're not doing Swedish ones.

My Swedsh suggestion would be "the AquaVits," but I gather we're not doing Swedish ones.

I bought a bottle of Aquavit a few years back because I read in Esquire magazine it was an up-and-coming-next-big-thing liquor. I don't read Esquire any more...

How about "Spindrift 500"?

reefer radness


(defunct) Thee Jaguar Sharks

Plus! Other stuff not surf:
Enjoy every minute

How about The Schytts? Oh, that one's taken Laughing

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Free Beer and Sex Party,a great way to get people to come to your gigs or how about the Tube Screamers

Facebook pages theSupertones
or @ Timothy C Sullivan

I always wanted to have a band called The Interceptors, inspired by the Penetrators' song, "Last of The V8 Interceptors," but to my knowledge there've been at least two other bands by that name in the last few years.

The following is a list I saved on my computer from a similar thread we had on the old Yahoo group. People are credited if the suggestion wasn't mine, or in some cases I didn't remember the contributor.

The Stompers (taken by a band in the 70’s)

The Depth Charges or Depth Charge

The Pipeliners

The Secret Agent Men

The Errant…(jedi, knights, something) (mono_tones)

The Inebriated Surfers (supertwangreverb – Bill)

The: Knotts, Skegs, Drop-ins, Close-outs, Gremos, “To Surf, With Love”. (Bill Moffat – and “Nut Rash”)

The Kuks

The Vibratones (dan downs)

The Trads

The Indicators

The Surfini’s (Jerry)

Surf Esteem, Surf Tradgedy, Septic Surf (Gavin)

The VI Pack (Ivan)

The Arturans

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

This is not very surf sounding.....
But, I've been thinking about "Barrio SpeedWagon"
That's a take off on REO Speedwagon for you younger guys.

That's a take off on REO Speedwagon for you younger guys.

I regret to report that I didn't need the hint. (Hobble, hobble, ...)

It's more in the rockabilly line, but how about Must Twang Sally? There are variants on that, like Most Twang, and just Must Twangs would be possible. Have Reverb, Must Twang?

Actually, it occurs to me that any "tang" can be replaced with twang, but the only other tang that comes to mind - not counting the space age beverage I was raised on* - is probably on Brian's "electrocute sender" list. It's kind of low and vulgar, though very 60s.

*Yes, that might be the problem.

Barrio Weedwagon...

Buck Naked and the surf wankers?

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

Barrio Weedwagon
Icetech...your a genius.

  1. Laguna Locos.
  2. Tiki Tacos.
  3. Los Borachos.
  4. Beer Tides.
  5. SS Minnows.
  6. Sharkbite.
  7. Squidstick.
  8. Seaweed.
  9. Beach Patrol.
  10. Keelhaulers.
  11. Plankwalkers.
  12. The Barnacles.
  13. The Seasick 4.
  14. The Krabs.
  15. Sharkbait.
  16. The propellers.
  17. The $and Dollar$.
  18. The Shells.
  19. Shellfish Ones.
  20. The Tenacles.
  21. The Shrimps.
  22. For the halibut.
  23. Old Crabs.
  24. Scallywags.
  25. Full Sail.
  26. Shore Patrol.
  27. Sperm Whalers.
  28. Mighty Minnows.
  29. Dead Fish.
    And my favorite:
  30. The Seamen.

This is not very surf sounding.....
But, I've been thinking about "Barrio SpeedWagon"
That's a take off on REO Speedwagon for you younger guys.

Love it.

The Secret Agent Men

“To Surf, With Love”.

Love 'em both but "Secret Agent Men" is especially good.

1. Laguna Locos.
2. Tiki Tacos.
3. Los Borachos.
4. Beer Tides.
5. SS Minnows.
6. Sharkbite.
7. Squidstick.
8. Seaweed.
9. Beach Patrol.
10. Keelhaulers.
11. Plankwalkers.
12. The Barnacles.
13. The Seasick 4.
14. The Krabs.
15. Sharkbait.
16. The propellers.
17. The $and Dollar$.
18. The Shells.
19. Shellfish Ones.
20. The Tenacles.
21. The Shrimps.
22. For the halibut.
23. Old Crabs.
24. Scallywags.
25. Full Sail.
26. Shore Patrol.
27. Sperm Whalers.
28. Mighty Minnows.
29. Dead Fish.
And my favorite:
30. The Seamen.

Ever think of quitting your day job and going into biz naming things?

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Having a city job allows me much internet time and "creativity" but I think Ben's "Barrio Speedwagon" is vastly superior to anything I've come up with thus far but Monday is another day...

In any event, your prolific imagination has been noted.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Buck Naked and the surf wankers?

There's a band and principle musician in Denver by the name of Buck Wild.

In the tiki vein there's always the Ticoritos.

There are variants on that, like Most Twang, and just Must Twangs would be possible. Have Reverb, Must Twang? .

There was a fun girl band in SF about ten years ago called "Poon Twang"

Barrio Weedwagon...


Buck Naked and the surf wankers?

Again, another SF band from about 15 years ago- "Buck Naked and the Bare Bottom Boys" The lead singer wore only a toilet plunger.
Great video:

My favorites from Seafoam Johnny's list:

17. The $and Dollar$.
22. For the halibut.
30. The Seamen.

“To Surf, With Love”

That's a song on the first Pollo Del Mar CD Very Happy

And finally, my suggestion: The Saline IV
Get it????

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Last edited: Nov 14, 2015 17:30:38

It's more in the rockabilly line, but how about Must Twang Sally? There are variants on that, like Most Twang, and just Must Twangs would be possible. Have Reverb, Must Twang?

For my new band, The Twang Tens, we pick up on these ideas so that we encompass a 50's Rockabilly (Duane/Link twang) with 60's Surf/Garage.

If it's not obvious, The Twang Tens are a takeoff on Twang + Hang Tens.

bIGwAvE Dave
Bass, The Aquamarines, The Twang Tens


Surf Taliban

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