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Permalink The Grammys

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Alright, I'm watching the grammys on mute. I already know all the results of this horrendous evening as it is not live on the west coast.

1.) I hate it when people do choreography while performing unless it is in jest.

2.) Amy Winehouse is nothing more than a product of the industry.

3.) Does the legacy of the Beatles really need to get destroyed year in and year out?

4.) My favorites Wilco and Feist lost out to other non-worthy choices.

5.) Is Let it Be really an anti-war song? Is that Walt from Lost?

6.) Kudos to Feist for mixing it up and playing her song differently from the hit version. Equally as good, if not better. The mark of a true artist and somebody that will be around in more than 5 years unlike most of the nominees.

7.) I just spied an almost angry and baffled Jeff Tweedy of Wilco after the butchering of Let it Be.

8.) Christina Aguliera has huge breasts after her pregnancy, like really really big. This is not a sexual reference, just a jesus christ that must be uncomfortable observation.

9.) Remember when the Foo Fighters weren't a huge joke?

1.) I hate it when people do choreography while performing unless it is in jest.

2.) Amy Winehouse is nothing more than a product of the industry.

3.) Does the legacy of the Beatles really need to get destroyed year in and year out?

4.) My favorites Wilco and Feist lost out to other non-worthy choices.

5.) Is Let it Be really an anti-war song? Is that Walt from Lost?

Does this surprise you?

In a way yes and no. I'm so out of the loop with the mainstream music industry that I really don't know how popular or important some people are. So, in my head I build up all the artists I like thinking they are the most popular out there only to get my preconceptions pissed on by the abortion that is the grammys once a year.

Add to the first post:

I almost cried when they showed Jerry Lee Lewis. My God, it looked as though they pulled him out of a Nursing Home to do a "Whole Lot of Shakin."
And Little Richard looked like he was scared stiff when he went into his song, or at least the one camera angle, where he looked like he was terrified.
John Fogerty was good, but even with him, there were a couple of notes he was straining for.
And then there were a bunch of those (KIDS?) bragging about how "I was hoping to be on the Grammys before I hit 18, but I just missed that by a little bit."...........Oh, Ha Ha Ha.... I get it ... Ha Ha Ha. Laughing Some of those people didn't even deserve to be there on that stage, but then again, look what's happened to the Grammys. I even felt bad for Tony Bennett. He came out, and tried to be polite, but you could almost see it in his face, where he was saying to himself, "What the Hell am I doing here?!?!?"

On a lighter note, I think I would of preferred to lose power in the house from a bad storm, a REAL BAD STORM............and then proceed to eat a
can of Spaghetti-O-s out of a "downed Satellite Dish." Shocked

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038


On a lighter note, I think I would of preferred to lose power in the house from a bad storm, a REAL BAD STORM............and then proceed to eat a
can of Spaghetti-O-s out of a "downed Satellite Dish." Shocked

Dennis, you and I both know we are going to do this again next year. The grammys are the ultimate trainwrech of awards shows, can't help but stare.

I'm pretty sure I could have sang that Amy Winehouse tune if I had the band that played on the disc - it's all the band, not her. Any girl that's smoked for the last 5 years could do it -

I forgot it was on, and watched Family Guy re-runs instead.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Chris, I'm coming to your house next year and I'm going to force you to watch the grammys. A Family Guy rerun is better than laughing at Kanye West in a LED jacket? I think not. Good lord I hate Kanye.

It was a funny one - Stewie plotted to kill Lois, and Peter made a racial slur and a fart noise, and Quagmeier said some rude stuff, and Brian the dog got drunk.

part of the problem with the Grammys is that seeing who's popular and winning grammys makes me feel like I'm not on top of it, or missing something. Like I'm not smart enough to see the pure genius of some of the bands that are winning. I just sit there and go "What the ?, isn't singing on key good anymore?"

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

The Grammy's? Totally irrelevant to me. If somebdoy wanted to
brutally torture me, the most effective method would be forcing
me to watch the Grammy's. Even when people I like win Grammy's,
it's like 25 years too late (Clapton, Santana), and it still pisses me off.
The few times that I started to watch it, I wanted to throw a brick
through my TV screen. Somehow I kept my cool, and turned it
off. The Grammy's are a joke!

That's the sugar-coated version.



It was a funny one - Stewie plotted to kill Lois, and Peter made a racial slur and a fart noise, and Quagmeier said some rude stuff, and Brian the dog got drunk.

That narrows it down to pretty much every single post-2nd cancellation episode.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

we played scrabble

I was playing in a Call of Duty competition. It was awesome.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I think the SG101 convention should be watching the grammys next year. Even if there is only .05% of cynicism in you it is the greatest day of the year.

Call of Duty 4? I need to pick it up as I've heard great things. I'm not a big online gamer though. I actually played my first online game since Starcraft was around in December. Halo... and I haven't played since.

I agree w/ what everyone else here said about last night. Farsical.

But the Grammy's occasionally offer a shining moment. (The Springsteen/Costello/Van Zandt/Grohl tribute to Joe Strummer of a few years back comes to mind.)

Last edited: Feb 11, 2008 13:45:18

I Worship the Grammys........

I also love curded milk, and sniffing my armpits Puke

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

I flipped to it for like 30 seconds during a 'Rock of Love' commercial. Has pop music ever been this generic and non-compelling? I don't know why it surprises me.

Off Topic
Brett Michaels on Rock of Love is so freaking ridiculous! Now that's entertainment!

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All in all, this show was a sad statement as to what the music business has become. I saw Don Henley in concert a few years back & even he commented calling the present day music "mostly crap." With that, The Eagles, minus Joe Walsh joined him on stages & reminded everyone what good music sounds like.

Thankfully I was out pushing carts in -20 degree weather when the grammys were on.

I have never watched it, and I never plan to. Mostly because I hate almost anything that has to do with mainstream music. It's all about image anyways.

I am super sweet

At least it wasn't the Hip Hop / Rap awards of the last couple of years. The intro tune with Frank was kinda cool, and at least the Foo's won. I just caught the first show of their tour, best live show I've been to in quite awhile.

jerry lee lewis


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