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Permalink Announcement for Surf Guitar 101 festival, July 26-28, 2024

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I was there all three days and without knowing anyone in person, it was a bit overwhelming. I had one of the reserved seats and did talk to the folks at my table, and they hadn’t heard of the forum. They also didn’t seem especially into surf music per se, but we’re digging hot rod culture, rockabilly, tiki, and other adjacent stuff, and that is great. But I was really hoping to talk deeply with some like minds.

It was difficult to find space and time to talk with the crowds and noise - but none of this is a complaint, it was a cool experience. I did let a couple of the recognizable musicians know how much I enjoyed their work, and I threw around my merch money to support them although I don’t need much stuff.

I was hoping to connect with some of you who know so much and patiently answer questions, but that didn’t happen. I was thinking it could be cool to have a different wristband (or extra wristband) for forum members. Or maybe a designated time and place for a member meet n greet? I found it a little difficult to start engaging with random people, especially when they were part of a group. My go to was asking where they were in from, but I wasn’t able to really connect. Probably a me thing - I don’t usually go to events like this. But it was cool to meet the couple of you that I did, and the music was great! I made field recordings of the Scimitars set, the Q&A session, and the Atlantics tribute set. When I get home I’ll figure out how to get them posted somewhere, although it looked like some big guns were doing more serious recording.

I’d also repeat my thought from another thread that I’d be especially into more seminar/workshop style programming such as music theory/technique, gear show and tell, more focused history, etc. I realize I’m probably in the tiny minority of attendees but I was really hoping to nerd out and elevate my understanding of the genre and scene, but instead I just saw some great performances- which is great! Well worth it. But, that was my experience and those were my reactions. I doubt I can justify the expense of attending again, but I do have deep appreciation for all who made it happen and I hope they continue to do so.

Rob and Sherm, congrats on attending the Festival! I'm really happy for you, and I'm glad that it was a worthwhile experience. (DUH!:-) Thank you for commenting here! I had to miss the event, because I was infected with COVID. Rob, I love your ideas about connecting with other members. We'll have to come up with a plan for that. If nothing else, I will make a point to meet you, and would be happy to introduce you to many of the members that I know. See you next year!


Last edited: Jul 30, 2024 14:14:13

We missed you this year, Bob Sad

Thanks, Josh! The agony of not being there was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse that the COVID. All the photos and videos on FB helped ease the pain. I look forward to seeing you, Jenny, and Daniel, next year! Love and virtual (and safe) hugs to you all.


I'm going to have a recap on my site but it'll be a while. It took me a month to finish mine for Surfer Joe, though hopefully it'll be quicker for SG101 (I was still on vacation for another two weeks for Surfer Joe).

That said, Facebook is very easy for posting pictures and videos, moreso than a forum, and the forum lacks the dopamine hit of instant likes etc. I hate feeding the facebook machine (that's why I put my thoughts on my own site) but I get it. I also think a lot of people stuck around for an extra day and are still flying back in. I'm still decompressing a bit myself.

re: rfcii's post

I hope you keep coming. I definitely found it overwhelming the first year, but it's good to know that people want to talk and make friends.

I definitely agree about having a better means to talk though. There have been years with an actual meet & greet beforehand and I really appreciated those, and in previous years there was an afterparty at the Tonga Hut which I thought was awesome, gave me a better opportunity to actually get to know people. I think the fact that the venue is built into a hotel kinda kills it -- some people just chill in their room.

In theory three days at an event should be enough to get to know people, but it's always been pretty shallow chat for me, and I hate trying to talk above the music.


It was pretty killer. Satuday's lineup was damn near flawless, and big turnout too. I felt like last year would be hard to top, but I'd say the same about this one. I'm bummed that so many friends caught covid right before, it had me really worried that we'd see bands having to cancel.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I just returned from my first SG101 Festival and all I can say is WOW!

Let me just share some of my impressions from this incredible music weekend. First, the facility; the Golden Sails hotel is a great place to hold the festival. It’s not what I would call “expensive” as far as California hotels go. It is an older property but our room was nice and the bed was comfortable, and after all, how much time are you going to spend there when all of the action is downstairs? They also have a nice pool. It is really easy to get to and is about 30 minutes from the two major airports in the area (LAX and John Wayne). We flew in and out of John Wayne airport in Santa Ana because it is smaller and less frantic than LAX.

A restaurant named “Roxanne’s” had an outdoor kitchen set up with quite an extensive menu for feeding us, if you didn’t want to go far, but there was also an outstanding Mexican restaurant (Enrique’s), within walking distance from the hotel, and within a 5 minute drive south there was a host of other restaurants as well, so no need to go hungry.

The Golden Sails has two rooms that the Festival uses for music, the Crystal Ballroom which is large and great for music. Jeff (BTD), had a great PA mix going and there was room in front of the stage for those who like to get “up close and personal” with the bands. There was also room for a good portion of the vendors, along the sides of the room that made it easy to access them both during the music and between the acts. The rest of the vendors were in the hallway leading to the Crystal Ballroom and to the PCH Club.

The other music room was the PCH Club, which is a smaller room, set up like a small music club, with a bar in the back of the room, then tables, then the stage. It looks like it is mainly used for a DJ to play music or for smaller bands. I say that because, for a function like the SG101 Festival, it could use some acoustic sound dampening material (thick curtains or acoustic foam panels), because the surf bands there were really loud and all of the walls are just bare, solid, sound reflecting walls. So, you ask, “how loud was it?” Well, when one of the surf bands is passing out ear plugs before their set, you know it is going to be loud! However, having my own set of ear plugs I can say that the three Pacific Northwest surf bands I heard there (the Desolate Coast, the Evanstones and the Seatopians) were all really good!

Second, I’d like to discuss the bands. Not their performances, because for all three days, each band was spectacular. You would hear one band and think “who is going to top that?” and then the next band would come on and blow you away! I can’t thank Big Tiki Dude enough for the incredible line-up he put together.

No, what I want to discuss, regarding the bands, is their presence. You see, this isn’t like any other multi-band music festival, where the bands come, set up, play and then leave. Here, all of these bands are members of SG101 so they all come, just like the rest of us, to enjoy listening to each other play, and to commune with the rest of the attendees! So you can meet and talk with just about any of these musicians that you like. Of course, in some cases, you might have to wait as part of the small crowds all wanting to talk to someone. Many of them are also staying at the hotel, so you may encounter and talk with them in the lobby, the elevator, or out by the pool. Some of them are also acting as vendors for their albums and CD’s, so this is another opportunity to talk surf music with them.

And that leads me to the rest of the people, our fellow members who have come for this great festival. Some of them come every year. A nicer bunch of folks you are not going to meet! Everyone wants to get to know you, hear your surf music story and to share theirs. All you have to do is be willing to go up to them and say “Hi!” Also, among this group, I met members of other bands who were not performing there this year, but who came just for the hang. All in all, a tremendous bunch of people!

As a result, I can’t recommend strongly enough your need, as a member of SG101, to attend at least one of these festivals of our community. The fellowship and the incredible music are like nothing you have ever experienced! I don’t know that I will be able to make it every year, but I do foresee more trips to Southern California in my future.

Before signing off, I also want to recognize those folks who were helping Jeff in putting on this enterprise, especially Ran Mosessco and Jonpaul Balak for providing that great sounding backline of vintage Fender amplifiers for the groups to use. Ran was up on stage between every set to make sure everything was just right for the next band, and Jeff was in constant motion from the time he arrived on Friday until the end of Sunday night to handle anything that needed handling. Jonpaul of course, was the hardest working musician there, playing one set Friday night, three sets on Saturday, and one or two sets on Sunday (my memory fails me regarding that last day). All of these folks worked hard all weekend so that the rest of us could kick back and enjoy tons of great surf music and for all of their efforts I am very grateful!


Patrick, thank you for your wonderful post. It absolutely mirrors my experiences at SG101. I was really looking forward to meeting you. I look forward to meeting you the next time that you attend.


I too look forward to meeting you. I hope you are feeling better!


I wish you could have come!

I’ll get some more photos and videos uploaded soon, but here is the last song of our last set.


New music!


Kenn Ehman’s excellent audience recording of The Mermen’s glorious set from Friday is uploaded to

Mermen @ sg101 2024-07-26

SoundCloud: Billy Gashade Link

Last edited: Jul 30, 2024 20:33:27

Patrick, thanks for the kind words, it was great meeting you and chatting up a bit. I really appreciate the detailed post and glad you had a good time.
Hoping to see you in future events!
Bob, you were dearly missed, Hope you are feeling better now.
Hunter, great catching up.
Thanks to everyone that came over to talk, give feedback on the performance, and, of course, all those who bought the new album and other merch.


The Scimitars

cirecc wrote:

I wish you could have come!

I’ll get some more photos and videos uploaded soon, but here is the last song of our last set.

Y'all, they played every damn song with that energy. Petition to put them on the main stage another year.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

There was a meet n greet in the pch on Friday 2-5,
But not well promoted by me.
Next year I’ll plug it more.


Great review Patrick - that mirrors my past experiences at the Conventions, now a full-blown Festival! I certainly miss all the great music and people!



Here's my experience at the SG101 fest.
Our planned mini tour of the west coast got off to a rocky start. The crowdstrike dilemma delayed our flight by 4 days and we were forced to cancel a few shows. We finally made it to California and headed to Las Vegas which would've been our next show.
We played at the Red Dwarf, a pretty cool dive bar, and the next night at the Fat Cat Bar which was conveniently located in the Hotel we were staying at. Both shows went well and were well attended.
The next day we arrived at the Golden Sails as the Lords of Atlantis were playing. We unloaded our gear and checked into the hotel room. Met Big Tiki Dude and got our bearings. Jeff does an outstanding job getting this together and deserves a world of thanks for all his efforts. We ran into our buddy Kurt from the Jagaloons so it was all off to a good start.
I won't give too much of a review of bands, they were all great, and I don't want to slight anyone, but man what a line up!

I completely missed Strings Aflame and didn't get to watch the Lords of Atlantis since we were still loading in and getting our bearings, but I was talking to Ivan a bit later and he introduced me to Ferenc. Within earshot were Martin Cilia and Marty Tippens trading licks and jamming at the Alemeda guitars booth, as a guitarist it was intimidating even casually listening - so I knew I was in for a challenging gig.

The WHYs were fantastic and we'll worth your time. Their merch table was next to ours and they seemed thrilled with our Eleki album, and despite the language barrier we developed a good rapport with them.
The Scimitars were a breath of fresh air and do something totally unique, yet fits with surf so well.
Dirty Fuse from Greece followed and again offered up something very unique with a bouzouki taking the lead and dovetailing very nicely after the Scimitars.
Surfer Joe tore it up as usual. You've got to really admire Lorenzo's dedication and effort. Surf music ambassador indeed!
The Surfaris came on next and were excellent reminding everyone where it all started. Ok, maybe it's just one original member, but they kept it super authentic.
I got to speak to Bob Berryhill for a bit and asked a bunch of nerdy questions. I was very surprised to learn that the bass guitar on Wipe Out was recorded direct. I didn't think that was done at the time. Also that Pal studios where it was recorded was purchased by Zappa in '65. He gave me a Surfaris sticker which I promptly slapped on my guitar case.
It was a trip to go on after the Surfaris and right before Untamed Youth, talk about a great slot!
I felt we played well, and I really tried to ride the wave (no pun intended) the other bands created. The audience was great and we felt very welcomed and appreciated. Thank you!
Untamed Youth were absolutely ripping doing some great renditions of stuff like Midnight Run from the Pyramids and other classics.
Although I'm not very familiar with their material, the Ghastly Ones were excellent and I'll definitely seek out their records. Lots of creepy fun!
And that was just Saturday! I was pretty exhausted by then, so it was great having our hotel room a few short yards from the venue.
Went to breakfast the next morning at a place called the Local Spot a short walk from the venue and ran into Ivan, Jeremy, and Dane from the Lords of Atlantis who were sitting with Larry, and Chris I think? Sorry guys, I met so many people it's hard to keep it straight, but some great conversation trading crazy Dick Dale stories of which there are many. Turns out Ivan won the strat raffle and I really can't think of anyone more suited to winning it!
Back at the venue the Will Glover Q&A was underway. It was followed by the Legends of 60s Surf jam. I didn't see much of it as my attention got diverted by band business, and conversation with forum members I was meeting for the first time.
It's great to put a face to people i only know by screen names and forum posts.
I also met some radio show guys like Clint Beachwood and Hunter from Storm Surge of Reverb. Great meeting you guys and thanks for the spins!
Up next were Ivan Pongacic, Martin Cilia, Dane Carter, and John Paul Balak doing their Atlantics/Shadows tribute. They totally nailed it. what can you say about two brilliant amazing guitarists trading leads? Dane is a powerful and tight drummer, and John Paul is a musician's musician. I could never handle as many sets as he does!
At one point at the end of the Shadows F.B.I, Ivan made an upward movement with his guitar neck on the last chord, and it coincidently matched Hank Marvin making the same exact movement on the video playing behind them! Pure chance, but they couldn't have planned it better.if they tried.
Sadly I missed the Surf Zombies, but they come highly recommend.
3 Balls of fire were very interesting with their extra percussion and searing strat tone. They had a noir-ish vibe to them.
The Volcanics were... volcanic! I didn't catch their whole set, but what I did see was pretty cool.
The Nebulas came next and were intense to say the least. I don't know how they handle wearing those masks, especially in the summer!
I'm really glad the Boss Martians are back in action. They bring a real classic rock n' roll intensity that reminds us what it's all about in the first place. Plus they're really nice guys to boot.
I didn't catch much of the Outta Sites because I was busy getting ready to play, but what I did hear was great. They had a British Invasion kind of thing going.
Our second set consisted of some newer numbers and songs from our Eleki album.
I thought it went well, but I was exhausted and completely overwhelmed by this point and hit a couple clams here and there. Even though I was a bit wonky by then , I still really enjoyed playing the second set, and the audience enjoyed it, although probably also beyond exhausted.
I didn't check out much of the Tiki room, but I did see a bit of the Verbtones and they were tight and energetic. Sadly I missed the other bands.
All said, this was an incredible event.
It's great to see old freinds, and make new ones. The crowd was so friendly and supportive. I met and spoke to so many people those two days that I'm sorry if I'm forgetting anyone or any bands.
Thanks to everyone involved!

Last edited: Jul 31, 2024 13:22:40

Great to have you and the band Victor.


Last edited: Aug 01, 2024 11:08:55

Thanks for all the show reports!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Vincent, I really like your guys’ set. After all this time, it was the first time I had seen The Coffin Daggers live.

Still sifting through pcs and vids, but here’s one from our first set.

We hope you enjoy it!


New music!


Vincent, both sets by your band were great! Did you come by to talk with Unsteady Freddie? I ask because I was sitting right behind him.


Eric, I have "Time Slips Away" and was excited to have the chance to see your band live. I really enjoyed your set and hope to see you guys in the Crystal Ballroom in a future SG101 Festival.


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