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Permalink What's everyones favorite surf amp?

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remora1 wrote:

Not one ounce of vintage cool or mojo but still the best sounding surf amp I've personally owned.
Custom head cab w/a Quilter Pro Block, SurfyBear FET Reverb, tuner, delay, SurfyTrem, EQ, and EP Booster clone mated to a 1 x 15 cab loaded with the Quilter custom Eminence 15" Steelaire speaker.
Better than I'll ever need!

Wow! Never seen anything like this. Pretty cool.

A Man from S.U.R.F.

Thanks Danny & Thomas, the seed was planted by our own Mr. Eddie Katcher in the SurfyBear thread when he said this -

Originally I had planned on integrating my new SBR with my current delay (TC Electronics Flashback), and my tuner. The original idea was to sink them both down into the cabinet top and it looked better on paper than it did in real life.

I didn't heed his advice and went for it. Almost gave up but eventually ( sort of) finished. Still want to rework the grill to make it look a little cleaner.
Another bonus is that the Quilter has some insane OD/distortion sounds! If I ever feel like revisiting my punk rock roots I just dial down the reverb and set the output wattage at about 20 then crank the gain and limiter and I'm in Buzzcocks territory. Halfyway in between and there are some sweet bluesey tones. It can do pretty much whatever I want. And they weigh under 25 pounds apiece which is a big bonus at my age!

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

skeeter wrote:

So, is that a Bandmaster chassis and a Gomez G-spring stuffed inside a Deluxe Reverb cabinet?

Chippertheripper wrote:


Essentially. I've since taken the gspring out and put it in its own box. That little rig was pretty heavy with both.

remora1 wrote:

Thanks Danny & Thomas, the seed was planted by our own Mr. Eddie Katcher in the SurfyBear thread when he said this -

Originally I had planned on integrating my new SBR with my current delay (TC Electronics Flashback), and my tuner. The original idea was to sink them both down into the cabinet top and it looked better on paper than it did in real life.

I didn't heed his advice and went for it. Almost gave up but eventually ( sort of) finished. Still want to rework the grill to make it look a little cleaner.
Another bonus is that the Quilter has some insane OD/distortion sounds! If I ever feel like revisiting my punk rock roots I just dial down the reverb and set the output wattage at about 20 then crank the gain and limiter and I'm in Buzzcocks territory. Halfyway in between and there are some sweet bluesey tones. It can do pretty much whatever I want. And they weigh under 25 pounds apiece which is a big bonus at my age!

You nailed it. That setup is radical.

My favorite surf-amp?

see you at monokinibeach

Can't 'top' that name plate!

Depending on the room/situation: Fender Princeton Reverb or Vox AC30

The Me Gustas


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 12:14:39

Still loving my MusicMan 112Rd with it's EV speaker. My Hot Rod Deluxe is now up for sale. The MM is so compact no one notices it, the nit sits up and roars. Awesome amp.

For small gigs I use one the Fender Excelsior, which is a cool little amp with it's 15 inch speaker. Had a few mods, such as a tone control and standby fitted.


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 12:19:19

The Exceslior is a cool amp, but not really one for gigging. You may get away with it if you treat it gently but it feels way to fragile.

Sounds good, though. Loud enough for a small café/bar if your drummer can play quietly. I've played with mine at the front of the stage and it was loud enough. I don't think anyone really knew what it was.


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 12:20:50


The Mentawais
The Rentones


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 12:20:58

Not necessarily my favorite surf amp because I don't have favorites, but I'm really liking the Deluxe Reverb reissue I just traded my Blues Junior Tweed for. The Tweed is a nice amp, but distorts too easily and doesn't have a very bright sound. My very first amp was a Deluxe without reverb. Not sure if it was a '64 or a '65.

Tqi wrote:

It's a 2x10 Fender amp. I'd take it. ;)

So, from the Fender website, the reissue Vibrolux has SS rectification. I've heard other people mention using a Copper Cap as well (That's just a shielded tube plug with a diode network in, right?). I'm guessing Surfers generally like silicon rectifiers for the extra cleaniness, yes?

Never owned a valve-rectified amp, so I'm only going by what I read in Fender catalogues, here!

The Weber Copper Cap isn't just a pair of diodes. It also employs a series power resistor to create voltage drop/sag (the different models emulate different tube rectifiers), and a current limiter for a "softer" startup to help protect the power supply filter caps.

Last edited: Dec 15, 2016 19:13:18


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 12:23:21

JohnnyMosrite wrote:

...JBLs may not be efficient - but they are built like tanks and they CRANK clean sound.

For really bright sounds - the very often neglected (WHY??!!) SUNN amps. I have a Sunn Solarus that knocks the hell out of some boutique amps I've owned - EL34s and 2x12 Jensens, I think. Back in the sixties, a Mosrite guitar and a Sunn amp was T-H-E hot setup - still is in my book...
- JM

I'm too lazy to find specs on classic JBL drivers but I am curious about how they rate. I recall reading of outrageous SPL figures for new speakers like Eminence's Cannabis Rex - 102.8 dB @ 1W/1m. Their Wizard is rated 103dB. Im currently running Altec 417 and 421 and they seem louder than a D120 that is OEM for my '61 Bandmaster. The 15" 421 sounded best for surf to my ear.

Probably speaker efficiency is impaired over decades of use. No matter - an 85W Showman pushing a pair of D130s will be loud enough for most halls.
I find the silence on Sunn amps curious too. The whole point of them was to be louder than even Fender, and clean via Ultralinear power amps (explanations of what that term means are appreciated). These days sunno))) amps are popular and sought after by stoners. Why not surf guitarists? Has Fender captivated us entirely? Intellectually, I'd prefer a vintage p2p wired vintage Sunn amp to a PCB neoFender, though I have not compared them axe in hand.
How about 70s Ultralinear Fenders? They can't be all that bad for surf.

Squink Out!


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 12:23:17

I dig my Carvin MTS 3200 Master Tube Head.100w of beautiful 6L6 "clean" power.I don't even mess with the "lead" channel. I was jonesing for a duel showman,but I couldn't spend that much. So I bought it new and scored a Peavey 2 15 ported cab from my bass player for $50. They sound Great! I don't know what kind of speakers they are yet, but they have aluminum dust caps...I think it's about 90% there,maybe more. I'm interested as to why Carvin gear isn't mentioned more often. It's solidly built,great sounding, built in So Cal. (they have been around about as long as Fender).
My Mesa Boogie Lone Star Special also Rips... That's another story. And my Fender Champ 12 "the creature" is great for solo practice.



Last edited: Dec 16, 2016 18:27:07

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