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Permalink What's everyones favorite surf amp?

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racingsnail84 wrote:

Samurai wrote:

racingsnail84 wrote:

Samurai wrote:

I never had a chance to own top surfer amps like Showman, Bandmaster, Super Reverb, Twin Reverb or whatever but I just love this little beast. Surely head over of Blues Junior that I head before at least for me.

Damn fine set up!

What model is the Harley Benton cabinet and how is it holding up?

I’m seriously considering this exact set up for my new amplifier

is this rig good for live performances? If not what set up do you like for gigs?

sorry for all the questions….


That’s a Harley Benton G112 Celestion V30 and I like it. However I am not a big Speaker Snob and mostly cannot hear much difference in them)
This Quilter is really nice, unfortunately I have no band and gigs since I left Ukraine so couldn’t yet test it live. But I am 100% sure it will be ok for gigs, a lot of people use it this way. I use it a lot for home recording together with Palmer Eins tube head and really happy with them. My new EP is completely recorded with Quilter Superblock.

thanks for the replies … Smile

sorry for yet another noob question, but what does the Palmer Eins do? I’m brand new to recording and I’m still becoming familiar with all the basic gear… I have the Focusrite Solo , some Sony Studio Monitors , an SM57 mic and a MacBook Pro… I hope to start recording this summer!

My main amp has been the Rumble 100 which actually works great for guitar because it’s super clean , but I’m intrigued by the QuilterUS power block because of its Fender amps emulator

I’ve got pretty similar setup, Focusrite bundle and Macbook.
Palmer Eins is just a small 1 watt tube head, pretty neutral in sound, more to a clean Fender side, perfect as a pedal platform for home. It also has nice speaker sim inside (Palmer is a well known German maker of high quality speaker sims and di boxes for years) so really easy to record (I am not good in micing yet so mostly use speaker sim in Quilter or Palmer)
Fender amps emulators are great, but honestly Blossom Point makes Palmer a Brownface on the edge of break up in a second. I like 60s emulators in Quilter very much, but saturated tubes are surely more juicy).

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

synchro wrote:

Great sound. That reverb drip is world class.

Thanks again. I don’t remember what and where, but I used both Classic and Compact for different tunes and even different parts, trying to make guitars sound like a different players with different setup and sound.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

I currently have have a silverface Twin Reverb with a RI tank. It will get the job done. But ever since I sold my '66 Showman, everything else sounds like a transistor radio to me.

I can't play this thing! It's got no whammy bar!

I use a Fender 1968 Bandmaster silverface drip edge Head plus customized speaker cabinet with 2x12 Jensen CN12 speakers. I also use a Quilter superbox US and soon there will be a Magnatone double V panoramic stereo amp.

_Introducing; Impala '59; An Evening with; Herr Magnatech Bittet Zum Tanz; Europa

Changing label.

Does this count a Louis Electric Gattone with
2x10 with Reverb and Tremolo.

Lou D

I have a 1968 drip edge Bandmaster head with a 2x12 cabinet with 2 Jensen C12N speakers and that works pretty good for me. Later on this year I will buy a Magnatone panoramic stereo.

_Introducing; Impala '59; An Evening with; Herr Magnatech Bittet Zum Tanz; Europa

Changing label.

My live rig for the last 7 years or so.
'63 Bassman
70's echolpex
RI reverb unit
Whatever fuzz I'm in the mood for (changes alot)



Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 16:20:17

psychonaut wrote:

My live rig for the last 7 years or so.
'63 Bassman
70's echolpex
RI reverb unit
Whatever fuzz I'm in the mood for (changes alot)


Killer rig, man. Does the Bassman give you enough headroom for most gigs? Would love to hear it "live" if you can link me to a video.
EDIT I think I found a video of you playing it at Coney Island Brewery, nice! - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Last edited: Jun 27, 2023 23:06:09

SixStringSurfer wrote:

Killer rig, man. Does the Bassman give you enough headroom for most gigs? Would love to hear it "live" if you can link me to a video.
EDIT I think I found a video of you playing it at Coney Island Brewery, nice!

Thanks! It's very loud and has loads of headroom.sweet spot is at around 7, where it really blossoms. I'm always being asked to turn down by sound guys.

The hell with the sound guys! Laughing - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Here’s my Fender ’63 Reverb reissue with ’69 Gibbs pan, ’63 Fender AA763 Bandmaster, and ’65 Ampeg Gemini I.

If you’ve never played a ‘60s Ampeg with on-board reverb, you really owe it to yourself to check one out. It’s quite different from Fender reverb, but just as beautiful.


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CLICK HERE to check out our first album, Interstallar Clambake!

Last edited: Dec 09, 2023 09:42:08

65 Twin... Nuff said.

(Marvel comics circa 1975)

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


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THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

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I used to have an Ampeg Reverborocket, it was great until it died.

I now have a 65 Fender Deluxe Reverb, and Twin Reverb, both re-issues.
I installed new JJ tubes and re-biased them, they both are great.

One thing you will find is that just reverb alone does not always give you the surf sound on many tunes, because, most also have tremolo/vibrato.
There are vibrato and reverb pedals, but they don't hold a candle to a Fender style Reverb amp with Vibrato. The lesson here is the bigger the reverb tank, the better! The Hammond/Accutronics tank in a Twin Reverb amp will spit you out of the tube soaking wet! The only separate reverb unit that really sounds decent is the all tube Fender unit, so it just makes good sense to get an amp that has these two features built in, and Fender is king when it comes to that. Just try to play "Baja" by the Astronauts without vibrato and an Accutronics type reverb unit, you will never get "that" sound. I tried to upgrade my Blues Jr. with a better Mojo tank, but it did very little and was still anemic.

Last edited: May 01, 2024 18:03:47

I only have an AMT F1 preamp. It sounds great for your money.

I hope someday I will have something more.

Last edited: May 03, 2024 00:28:43


ive been using this new Fender Blonde Deluxe Reverb with a 1x15 Quilter 101 reverb. Surf heaven if u ask me

If I were playing live again, I don't know what I would use but tonally the Chris Stapleton Princeton is probably the best Fender amp I've ever played.

Marrguar wrote:

If I were playing live again, I don't know what I would use but tonally the Chris Stapleton Princeton is probably the best Fender amp I've ever played.

I would tend to agree. It’s a great design.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Hey Marrguar, welcome to SG101! When you have a moment, go to the “Shallow End” forum, and the “INTRODUCTIONS! New Members Post Here” thread and tell us more about yourself and your involvement with surf music.


I've talked about it elsewhere, but might as well add it to this thread:
I built a 6G2 Princeton ca. 2 years ago and put a vintage 12" Oxford 12T6 in it, and together with my Surfybear Metal, it's a most excellent combination. Great for at home volume levels, and really captures the classic surf sound.

Of course, it's pretty much the same formula as the Stapleton Princeton, though when I built my amp I had no clue about the existence of that amp.

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