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Permalink "Waves of Care" -- 2018 SG101 Convention Compilation: A Benefit For MusiCares COVID-19 Relief

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All orders for the physical CD, up through this morning, have been mailed. Five to seven days, I'm told, to delivery...some might arrive a little sooner (we ARE still in a pandemic situation, so don't fret if you haven't received yours by this time next week).

All future orders will be sent out within 48 hours!! Please support this effort and buy the CD ( or download the tracks ( Once again, 100% of all proceeds will be donated to MusiCares COVID-19 Relief. It would be so great to hand over a modestly substantial amount of money to make the surf music community a serious player in the eyes of the much larger music-community-at-large.

A huge Thank You to those who have donated a little more money to this cause when ordering. The cause is a good one and "Waves of Care" is a great reverb shot in the arm for everyone missing this year's SG101 Con.

Woo Hoo!!! Got my copy in the mail today! Thanks to John Blair, the bands, and everybody involved in making this project happen. I'm listening, as we speak, and it sounds FANTASTIC! Get your copy now.


"Waves of Care" information is now up on MusiCares' website. Word is starting to get out about this project. CDs and digital downloads are available (links elsewhere in this thread). Please support this effort and buy a CD!!!

Last edited: Aug 12, 2020 12:23:11

Awesome news John!


Canadian Surf

Bumping this thread. It's already scrolled off the Home Page. This is an important CD release that I would hope more of you will support. The cause is good and the music on this CD is great. This is about giving back to the music community that's given all of us stages on which to perform and studios in which to record.

Just read the reviews of those who have already received their copy of "Waves of Care"....well, read them once they've been posted.

I created a news item from the Grammy dot com article and splashed it on the home page. Share with your friends!

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Last edited: Aug 15, 2020 12:45:32

Thanks so much, Brian. I await comments and reviews from those who have received their copies. This CD helps elevate the SG101 Convention, and modern surf music in general, to a more visible status within the broader music community.
To have MusiCares and the Grammy organization behind this has not happened before and is really a major coup for the music. The more industry people who see this, and are aware of it, the better it can be for the bands and the fans of this music. Let's keep it going.

Last edited: Aug 15, 2020 12:58:48

Just got my copies. Haven't heard them all the way through, yet, but so far I'm quite pleased with the music and the quality of production. Great work!

2018 SG101 Convention. Live surf instrumental music. MusiCares benefit for Covid-19 Relief. Good cause. Please help.

Are people receiving this? Have you downloaded it?
What are your impressions/reviews/feedback?

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I haven't received mine yet. The tracking says it hasn't been shipped yet. Smile

All orders of the physical CD that I've received as of this morning (8/21) have been shipped. PM me with more information if you didn't order the CD within the last 24 hours.

I haven't received mine yet, either, alas. Sad

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The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Ivan's CD was shipped on 8/10 or 8/11. Do you have a tracking #? Even w/o a tracking #, it's been nearly two weeks. That's about how much time it's taking these days for mail to get from CA to the Midwest. I've heard FOUR WEEKS from CA to the East Coast. CDs HAVE arrived elsewhere, so perhaps next week is when many of the laggards will finally see their destinations.

Last edited: Aug 22, 2020 10:53:31

John, tracking shows that it left the Detroit 'Network Distribution Center' this morning, and is "in transit to the destination". So, it looks like Monday is a good bet! (It doesn't specify the arrival date.)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Received my CD last weekend and finally getting a chance to really listen to it this is EXCELLENT! Amazing performances, brilliant production value! It brings back so many wonderful memories from that weekend in 2018.
King Pelican is very honored to be a part of the "Waves of Care" project, just as we were to play SG101 in'18. If you are a fan of Surf music you need two copies of this CD, one for you and one for that friend who isn't hip to Surf music yet.
Kudos to John and Mark for producing this amazing project to benefit MusiCares Covid 19 Relief. And a shout out to Jeff for an awesome SG101 in 2018!

Cheers Ernest


MusiCares once made a real difference in my life when I was in need. This is wonderful.

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Thank you Martin. I might also add that Paul "Mr. Moto" Johnson has also received help from MusiCares. It's a very worthwhile non-profit for those of us in the music industry having trouble making ends meet. While this is true in non-pandemic times, it's even more important to recognize the organization's help today when professional musicians are among the hardest hit, financially.

Along comes "Waves of Care," an attempt to give something back to the music and help some of those who are having a helluva time helping themselves. If you haven't bought a copy of this CD yet, please consider doing so. 100% of all proceeds from the sale of the CD, and digital downloads, will be donated to MusiCares. That money will be used to help people like Martin and PJ.

When it comes time to report the final donation amount (and I will definitely report it here), I'm hoping it will be substantial enough to represent a STRONG response from the surf music community.

John wrote:

Ivan's CD was shipped on 8/10 or 8/11. Do you have a tracking #? Even w/o a tracking #, it's been nearly two weeks. That's about how much time it's taking these days for mail to get from CA to the Midwest. I've heard FOUR WEEKS from CA to the East Coast. CDs HAVE arrived elsewhere, so perhaps next week is when many of the laggards will finally see their destinations.

John, got the CD last night! Thanks! Looking forward to diving into it! Smile

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

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