Joined: Dec 05, 2016
Posts: 151

Posted on Nov 21 2019 06:30 PM
OzReverb wrote:
Playing a small festival at a golf driving range (!), about 10 mins into our set the timed sprinklers popped up and did their thing. Problem was, they were behind the stage and alongside the audience! Electricity and water - not a good mix! No-one died and no equipment was permanently damaged (thank goodness)
Man that could have been bad...glad you guys survived.And the equipment did as well...
Joined: Feb 09, 2020
Posts: 3

Posted on Feb 18 2020 07:03 PM
It wasn’t with a surf band but I once crapped myself on stage. About 10 minutes into the set with another 40 or so to go. I just sat there wide eyed wondering if anyone could tell. No one did and I finished the set like a champ and the waddled my way to the bathroom during set break. My diet at the time was Totinos pizza and PBR.
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 3785

Posted on Feb 18 2020 08:22 PM
Joined: Jul 18, 2018
Posts: 128

Posted on Feb 18 2020 09:58 PM
Tremoto wrote:
It wasn’t with a surf band but I once crapped myself on stage.
I guess we have a winner
— Surfin’ Europe – Surf gigs in Europe
The Malbehavers – Instrumental Surf Music from Tilburg (NL)
Tout Tilburg Surft – Malbehavers’ debut EP
Joined: Apr 13, 2018
Posts: 1378
New Orleans

Posted on Feb 19 2020 10:02 AM
Tremoto wrote:
It wasn’t with a surf band but I once crapped myself on stage. About 10 minutes into the set with another 40 or so to go. I just sat there wide eyed wondering if anyone could tell. No one did and I finished the set like a champ and the waddled my way to the bathroom during set break. My diet at the time was Totinos pizza and PBR.
Incredible first post! And - wow. Nicely done. Plant-based poop? Those can often not smell at all haha!
— Daniel Deathtide
Joined: Nov 27, 2013
Posts: 235
Greenville, NC

Posted on Feb 19 2020 01:58 PM
For me it was the first Instro Summit we played. We had only been a band for about 4 months and only had 1 or 2 originals. Most of our songs were covers that we had been working on. Someone suggested we should try to play the InstroSummit. We asked Crispy about it thinking there was no chance we would ever be able to play and were told we would be 4th on the backup list. A few weeks before the Summit we were asked to play the Saturday noon spot. Panic kind of set in because we weren't really sure we were ready to play in front of people yet but we felt like it was too late to back out.
Things didn't go very well. My reverb tank decided to have a short in the input jack and so my entire amp kept cutting in and out during the set. But we kept going. I was also using more pedals than most surf guitarists do so I was sending way too much signal to the Twin which was already cranked. I was getting terrible feedback and kept trying to dial it in between songs.
We were all pretty nervous. Our bass player basically stared at his fretboard the whole time and never made eye contact with me or the drummer. There was one point in one of our original songs I realized he wasn't playing the same thing as me and the drummer. But he never looked up and just kept going. We eventually fell back into the same song after a lot of hot mess.
It was pretty embarrassing. I'm on stage playing in the middle of a train-wreck while looking at the crowd and seeing many of my guitar heroes... Insect Dave, Noah Holt, Chad Shivers, Eric Penna, Crispy...
But we went back the next year and opened the show and it went pretty well.
— Kevin
The Out of Limits
Joined: Jan 15, 2019
Posts: 1515

Posted on Feb 19 2020 04:17 PM
. . that happens Some players freak out in front of crowds, I think singers have it the hardest usually, unless they love the lime light etc..
About 23 years ago I was in a band that only played one gig. I was on the drums and we had two guitar players and a two bass players that took turns on different songs etc. We sounded pretty good for not much rehearsal.
The only problem, I was the roadie too and moved everything and set up the stage while all the other guys were partying their ass off at this company picnic we were playing at. Needless too say I was totally wore out by show time. I was so freaking tired it was ridiculous. 
SO I made it all the way through the three sets without many mistakes, and then came the last song (Wipeout) my claim to fame, I just shut down on the third verse - just couldn't keep going Wipe out
I forgot to add . . .
I had to do half the singing a s well . . the boss guy of the band did all the modern (Alternative Rock) tunes and they gave me all the old 60's stuff I like to do. So not only did I have to memorize all the lyrics etc …. It was pure luck we made it through
Last edited: Feb 19, 2020 16:29:33
Joined: Feb 09, 2020
Posts: 3

Posted on Feb 19 2020 06:33 PM
DeathTide wrote:
Incredible first post! And - wow. Nicely done. Plant-based poop? Those can often not smell at all haha!
Haha thanks! I saw this and knew I had a story for folks to enjoy.