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Permalink New Poll: Are cds obsolete?

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hi!!! Can i participate on this as an point of view from a label?
1. We are using digitals but i don't like them. It's a need if you want to get more people into your music.
2. I own more than 6000 vinyls and it's my one and only love. I'm 45 and i bought my first record at the age of 14. So vinyl is a must. But it's so expensive and i think it's not something useful for all the bands. For example we are suggesting a new band not to start with vinyl. Unless they can afford to loose some money. You have to built an audience first.
Of course there are always some exceptions, like Les Agamemnonz, their first vinyl was something else, they sold them so fast that we couldn;'t make the packages on time.
Of course bands like Satan's Pilgrims HAS to release vinyls, we need this, they did that for ever.
3. Single is out of the question for a label like ours. The price is too high in Europe and if you add taxes, profits, operation cost, commisson for distributos and stores, then the price goes to 10-12 €!!!! for the customer. But it's so good for a self release, you can sell them on gigs, get the money back and make some profit to cover the recordings.
4. cds!!! i think cds are necessary too. it's better than digitals (you can read the booklet even on the toilet ( Big Grin ) and it's easy on promotion.
For example we are selling €10 with shipping and i think it's a fare price for people to know surf music. This helps the label and the band a lot. Finally it's more easy to send them on magazines radios etc.... A new band can spread their music easier with cds.
We just choose to make something more interesting (a least from our point of view), digipack or digistyle, or it we choose the classic jewel case one, we are trying to put a lot of infos in it. for example we have a special series (Insect Surfers, El Ray, El Caminos) that we are trying to get as many infos and music as possible to one cd.

So, vinyl comes first but the cd is also a need. Digitals?? ok it's on top now, helps selling them, but as i said i'm 45 year old!!!!

Green Cookie records

Green Cookie Beach!green-cookie-beach/c3pr


Vinyl and the turntable has made a come back in a big way. Especially amongst young music lovers.

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